
Monday, June 2, 2008

Review of Before You Meet Prince Charming

I recently attended a Father/Daughter retreat hosted by Vision Forum at Callaway Gardens. I'm going to post more on that later, but for now I wanted to write about a book I purchased at the booktable there.

Before You Meet Prince Charming, by Sarah Mally. The title caught my eye. "Before You Meet Prince Charming." Well, thought I, I haven't met Prince Charming yet...what do I need to know? I picked up the book and thumbed through it. This book looked very good. I got it and brought it home. I began to read it.

Let me stop my story a moment here and explain that I LOVE to read. Hours of my day are consumed by reading. And once I find a good book it's like it is super-glued to my hand...I can't put it down. I walk around doing usual tasks with one hand (Like eating, unloading the dishwasher, etc.) while reading, if I must. This was one of those books.

Right at the beginning, the Note from the Author sounded pleasantly in my ears. Part of it reads "Many of the books I have read [on the subject of purity] seem to be written specifically to reach young people who have already made mistakes. Since they are written for this audience, they include some details that I don't think are necessary for younger girls to be thinking about. Even though my desire is that this book would minister to girls of all ages and backgrounds, I have endeavored to keep it discreet and appropriate for younger girls as well." How thoughtful. I appreciate her discretion for my own reading, not just for younger girls. I am thankful that Sarah chose to write her book this way.

Lest you think this was a little-girl story, I must say the book was very informative and enjoyable to me, a 17-year-old young woman. Sarah covered all the important subjects and some I hadn't thought of. Each chapter spoke to my heart. Sarah intersperses scenes from the story of a princess living in a castle with helpful discussion on topics like guarding your heart, delighting in the Lord, relationships, dreams, 'crushes', waiting, God's plan, and many others.

If you're interested in more of what Sarah is involved in, here is the link to the website for her ministry, Bright Lights.

I highly recommend "Before You Meet Prince Charming".



  1. Hi!
    I'm Waiting-Rose, got your comment: Thanks!!!
    Your blog is REALLY neat, keep up the good work!
    I'd like to e-mail you, you can find my e-mail on my blog under "Ever Seen Anything Like This???"
    or, "Question and Answer!".
    I'd like to here from you. :)


  2. Thank you! I've been working on this's nice when people like it! I'd love to email you!

  3. I also love this book Julia! The Princess story is so cute, yet so profound.

    You have a very nice blog, I'll be visiting again:-)

    (This is Lydia from "An Old Fashioned Girl" you commented on my blog earlier.)

  4. Thanks Lydia, I appreciate the compliment! I'll be adding more to the blog soon.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Thank you for this's nice to hear about a Christian book for teens that is DISCREET!
    I love your's beautiful!!

  7. Julia, what a delightful review...sounds like a great, edifying read.

    I love how your voice shines through, too, you JA, you!

    {"thought I" and "lest"}



Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~