
Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July!!!

I, for one, am very thankful that our forefathers had the courage to break away from the U.K. and form their own country! (I've nothing against Great Britain, I love the English Jane Austen movies, but I'm so glad the U.S.A is it's own country!) Hurray for FREEDOM! Especially religious freedom. Think about it. You can pray, out loud, in the middle of Wal-mart and the worst you will get is funny looks. I can think of several countries where you would recieve much worse than that if you dared have the audacity to say you believe in the Lord God Jesus Christ. You can go to church and not have to hide underground while you praise and worship the Lord. Can you imagine what that would be like, having to hide your faith?
And I could go on and on but I'll keep it short and sweet. THANK GOD for our wonderful country, the United States of America! Happy Birthday, America! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, Everyone!!


  1. You are so right, Julie! We can take it for granted that we have religious freedom. In this day and age, many are trying to take or hinder our freedoms. We need to pray for our leaders and pray that God would put strong Christian men and women in authority to protect our freedoms. Happy Fourth of July!

    ~ Bethany

  2. Hey, Julia!

    Hehe - I sure could tell you were curious! (It made me feel so special - thanks!) :o) Now, to answer your questions...

    We just went to the ballgame as a family. We had a really good time. It was so suspenseful at the end, but the Braves ended up losing. Oh well. We're going back in August - maybe they'll win then. ;o)

    We had an awesome 4th. The parade was pretty good. We really enjoyed our afternoon (playing volleyball, swimming, and enjoying being with several friends). We played frisbee right before the fireworks. The fireworks were so-so (the ones at Jamestown were way better), but I enjoyed the evening a ton.

    I am looking forward to seeing you soon (next week, right?)! Btw, what did you guys do for the 4th? Do they have fireworks in your town?

    Love you, girl!

  3. Found you through the modesty pledge and enjoyed a look around! Blessings,

  4. Happy(belated!)Independence Day!!

  5. Thanks everyone! Yes, my name is Julia, for those confused by the different names in the above comments...:)


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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~