
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Here's The Secret Activity I've Been Up To...

Crocheting!! And no, it is not pronounced "Crow-chet-ing" It is said like "Crow - SHAY - ing"
What you see here are Granny Squares. I am making a queen-size afghan out of them. I have just about half of them done. When I finish crocheting all the squares, then comes the job of doing another row around each one in white, and then sewing the squares together with more white yarn.
As you can see, I am doing the blanket in a multi-colored pastel scheme.
The (center) square below is my favorite:
I had a little yarn left that has sparkly iridescent thread running through it.
I got a wonderful idea and crocheted with two strands of yarn at once, producing this effect:
The rainbow squares and blue-and-green squares are also double-stranded.
These are the two squares I'll be doing next. I'm kind of designing the blanket as I go along, so I'm experimenting with what colors look the best together...
I have been crocheting with almost every spare minute I have, so that has taken a little time away from my blogging.
INTERESTING NOTE: The blanket is designed following a pattern my Great-Grandmother used for a twin-sized afghan that is now residing in a cedar chest in my bedroom.
I hope you won't be shy, please tell me if you like to crochet or knit too!


  1. Those granny squares are so pretty!

  2. Your blanket looks great, Julia! I like knitting, and I just finished my first sock! How long have you been crocheting?

    Katherine Cole

  3. I wanted to ask one more quick question. About how big is each square, and about how long does it take you to do each one?

    Katherine Cole

  4. Oh, how pretty! Of course you know I like crocheting, too. I will have to show you my blanket when you come. :o)


  5. I've done some granny squares - they are so fun! I was going to make a tote bag with some green and blue-green-brown yarn, but I ran out of green!

    Thanks for the tag. It'll be nice doing a tag that isn't a "favorite color" tag.

    The Jane Austen poll was a good idea. I can't remember who I voted for though! Have you read any Charles Dickens? I've listened to "A Tale of Two Cities" on tape and thoroughly enjoyed it. There's a very good gospel message at the end that really surprised me. A good book.


  6. That is a really pretty blanket! I must admit, I have TRIED knitting, but I really stink at it. I think I tried knitting 5 times or so, but I never got the hang of it. Your blanket looks beautiful! Have a good week!
    Love and Prayers,

  7. Wow Julia! I love them! Great job!

  8. You do such a great job crotheting, Julia!!!
    My sister is currently crotcheting a sweater/hoodie...I don't crotchet much though...too many hand cramps and expensive yarn!lol
    Keep it up though, you do so well!


  9. Hello again,
    That is SOOOOOOOOO cute! (I'm gonna try and learn to Crochet this year if I can, I already know somewhat how to knit.)



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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~