
Monday, September 8, 2008

A Day at Callaway Gardens

Yesterday, my Dad decided he wanted to take us to Callaway for a day of relaxation and just spending time together in the beautiful outdoors.
I love Callaway, and we hadn't been there in at least a month as it's been too warm for being outside for long periods of time... So I was very excited that we were going.

If you know me, you know what a dedicated amateur photographer I am, and there was no way I was leaving my camera behind on a trip to Callaway Gardens!
Here are some lovely Prunifolia Azaleas, luckily captured by me in a gorgeous sunny place.
While walking on the boardwalk outside the Discovery Center, I spotted this spotted blossom in a pot nearby
Remember my post on noticing the little things? I saw a little thing and took a picture of it...this mushroom couldn't have been more than three inches tall...and there was a tiny snail on top of it!
Then we arrived at the Ida Cason Memorial Chapel. It is so pretty, nestled in a darling little corner of the woods, overlooking a lake.
Now for the best's what it looks like on the inside!
There are five huge stained-glass-windows in the walls of the chapel, two with pointed tops and four on the sides that depict the four seasons.This one has a pine-needle design etched into it...
This picture I think is my favorite, the section showing the Prunifolia Azalea blooms...

The light spilled through the window on the southern side and washed the floor in rainbow splashes of breathtaking!

When we finally left Callaway we stopped at Dowdell Knob, the famous overlook where Franklin Delano Roosevelt loved to stop and picnic. My brothers and I are actually perched on his stone grill. (It's been filled in with concrete to preserve it)

All in all, it was such a relaxing, fun day! I love spending time with my family.



  1. WOW! Those are beautiful pictures! Thanks for commenting on my blog! It means so much when I see that I have comments! I am sorry I couldn't find that background! Thanks!


  2. Looks like you had a lot of fun! I think my favorite picture was the one with the mushroom and snail. It's so cute!! :-D


  3. Those are beautiful!!!!!! It looks like an enchanting place!

  4. My goodness! Those are breathtaking pictures! That chapel is just lovely, it looks like a painting!

  5. Ugghhh...lost another comment on cyber space. :oP Sorry...unladylike face... :o) Better.

    Pretty pictures, Julia! I love the ones of the windows - the stained glass is SO pretty!

    We're home now from a GREAT vacation. It was soooooo hard to say goodbye again to all of our friends that are like family. We are so blessed. On the other hand, it's good to be home and pleasantly embarked on this school year. Oh, and the flights were awesome, as expected. :o) I'm thinking about doing a theological post about all of this...... :o)

    Desirous of seeing you soon,
    And sending lots of love your way,
    (Who's hoping this comment finds it's way to its intended destination...)

  6. Oh I'm so glad you got to go to Callaway!
    I love that place as well, I just wish that I could go more often than once a year for the Father-Daughter Retreat!


  7. How beautiful almost everyone I know have been there I can't wait to see that place myself. What were ya'll there for????


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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~