
Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Labor Day!

Goodbye, Summer and white shoes!! :) Down in Florida, where I was born, you can wear white shoes all year round, but in the normal states you can't wear white shoes after Labor day. (Why, I wonder?) :)

The results for the friend test so far are quite interesting! I'm not giving any hints out as to what the answers are (Except for the one in the previous paragraph)

Anyway... Time for the Simple Woman's Daybook post! By the way, if you want to participate, link here to the Simple Woman's blog every week and on your post add the sentences in bold and then your own answers.

For Today, September 1, 2008, Labor Day...

Outside my window... Here, let me show you!
Pretty, is it not? :)
I am thinking... That I am excited about our upcoming camping trip to the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, in North Carolina.
From the learning rooms... We're taking the day off of school because my Dad is home for Labor Day and we love spending time with him.
I am thankful for...My Bath & Body works 'Warm Vanilla Sugar' shower gel that is oh-so-sweet and bubbly. (That sounds like a silly thing to be thankful for, but it's true, so there you have it) :)
From the kitchen... Quiet, since we devoured delicious hotdogs grilled by Daddy for lunch and then cleaned everything up.
I am wearing... Khaki shorts, red t-shirt, my very long hair up in a bun and my bare feet with light purple nail polish on the toes. And cubic zirconia earring studs. (I am usually wearing some kind of earrings)
I am reading... Sherlock Holmes aloud to my two 14 and 12 year old brothers. (Our family enjoys reading stories aloud) We just finished "The Hound of the Baskervilles", one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's most famous stories. I'm also reading a book by T. Davis Bunn. (Not sure if I want to reccomend that yet...I have to see how it ends)
I am hoping...To finish some major schoolwork this week
I am creating... Well, I created earrings to sell at a Yard Sale last week, look here!
I am hearing... Mark and Steven are in Mark's room which adjoins our loft office, absorbed in and talking excitedly about a new computer game called "Civilizations" where you create your own empire...something they are very talented at, apparently! So far they've nearly conquered the world...(wait until they're all grown up!)
Around the house...The boys are in the next room, I'm here at the computer, My dad is outside, Mama's taking a well-deserved afternoon nap in her room.
One of my favorite things... my iPod, which comes in handy when working's excellent motivation. (I like moving to music)
A few plans for the rest of the week... To download some songs to my iPod, keep up the habit of riding the excersise bike every day for 30 minutes, clean my room, do my school, the usual. :)
Some things I accompolished since last week... Making a habit of excersising every day for at least 30 minutes, blogging more often, reading stories to Mark and Steven, helping Mama run the Yard Sale last Saturday which was an immense success... the usual! :) (okay, the yard sale wasn't usual - that's the first time we've had one in 3 years!)
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
Baking cookies! Mmmmm... can't you just smell them...white chocolate chip, my favorite!!


  1. Julia,
    I enjoyed your post a LOT!! :-D
    I love that first picture!! It looks like you are sitting in a treehouse. :)
    You are SO lucky to be going to the Smokies. I have been there dozens of times in my life. Be sure to take lots of pictures!! :-D
    Hehe!! Don't you just LOVE Bath and Body Works? :) I have been there in a while.
    YUM. I love hot dogs. I might be eating some tonight... since it's labor day.
    The earrings are gorgeous!! I wish I could have a pair. :P
    Yummy cookies!! :-D Give me one! :P
    Great post!!


  2. I lived in Florida eight years ago. YOu could get away with white shoes all year. Now, I think it is about time they are put away =(

  3. Oh, if you don't mind saying, where did you live in Florida. I lived in the Orlando area.

    And reading aloud is good. I am reading Persuasionm, by Jane Austen, aloud to myself, Hound of the Baskervilles is good!

  4. Thanks for sharing! I love the picture of the the cookies! YUMMY! I love bath and body works, too. It's expensive, but most of the stuff smells REALLY good! Have a great week!



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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~