
Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Movie Quiz!

All righty, this looked like so much fun I had to try it myself.

Rules: Leave a comment (by clicking on 'delightful comments' and typing in your answers) with the numbers of the pictures and your guess as to what movie they are from. DO NOT look at anyone else's comment before leaving yours, as they may have answers you don't. (No peeking!)

I promise I'll tell you what they are after at least a dozen people comment. :)
Here we go!
3) (sorry about this picture...her dress looks quite's not quite like that in the movie.)
4) this is actually two pictures of the same movie...
6)7)8) (sorry about the size...look closely!) :) 9)


Have fun guessing!! ;)


  1. Yea! The game is STILL spreading! :-D

    1. Pride and Prejudice
    *SQUEALS!!* :P

    2. No idea...

    3. Um... don't know.

    4. No clue

    5. Haha! I haven't seen that in AGES. The Disney version of Robin Hood. I can barely even remember that movie, but I recognized the girl. :)

    6. National Treasure? I haven't seen it, but I think I recognize the picture.

    7. Don't know.


    9. I'd recognize it anywhere. :) The Sound of Music (one of my absolute favorite movies ever)

    10. Haha! I know this isn't it, but the picture sort of reminds me of Giligan's Island. :P

    11. Don't know.

    12. STILL don't know...

    13. It looks like a Jane Austen movie, but I can't place it.

    Thanks for the fun! :)


  2. Okay...Hm, here we go!

    3.The King and I.
    5.Robin Hood.
    6.National Treasure! :)
    7.My Fair Lady (?)
    8.Facing the Giants.
    9.Sound of Music.
    10.Swiss Family Robinson.
    11.Night at the Museum! :)
    12. Sense and Sensibility
    11. New Sense and Sensibility (?)
    (or Emma. or P&P. :P)


  3. Wow this was a great idea, and I look forward to discovering the rest of the answers!

    1. Pride and Prejudice; 2. ?;3. The King and I; 4. ?; 5. Robin Hood; 6. ?; 7. ?; 8. Facing the Giants; 9. The Sound of Music; 10. The Swiss Family Robinson; 11. ?; 12. Sense and Sensibility (I love that movie!)

  4. Oh, before I do mine, I want to apologize to Madison (since I know she reads here.....I meant to go on your blog, but my internet has it blocked. I am trying to fix that....Anyway.....

    1.) Pride and Prejudice
    2.) My Fair Lady
    3.) The King and I
    4.) Susanna of the Mounties?
    5.) Robin Hood
    6.) National Treasure
    7.) Little Women (just watched this version)
    8.)Facing the Giants
    9.) Sound of Music
    10.) Swiss Family Robinson
    11.) Night at the Museum (I haven't seen this one)
    12.) Sense and Sensibility
    13.) Pride and Prejudice again


  5. *Squeals and shrieks with laughter* HA-HA! This is SO much fun...I should have done it ages ago.. Some of you are doing REALLY well. Keep guessing!

    Be specific about versions if you want the honor of getting them all right. :)

  6. 1)Pride and Prejudice (the older version)
    2)My Fair lady
    3)The King and I
    4)A Shirley Temple movie (i have no clue which one it is.)
    5)Robin Hood
    6)National Treasure
    7)Little Women
    8)Facing the Giants
    9)Sound of Music
    10)The Swiss family Robinson
    11)A night in the Museum
    12)Sense and Sensability
    13)Pride and Prejudice (the new one)

  7. 1. Pride and Prejudice (BBC)
    2. My Fair Lady
    3. The King and I
    4. ?
    5. Robin Hood
    5. National Treasure?
    7. Little Women?
    8. Facing the Giants (I haven't seen it yet, though, so I could be wrong :)
    9. The Sound of Music
    10. Swiss Family Robinson
    11. Night at the Museum
    12. Sense & Sensibility
    13. Pride & Prejudice (2005)

  8. 1-Pride and Prejudice, the version with Colin Firth.
    2-I have no idea, but Mom says it's an old western movie, but isn't sure which one.
    3-The King and I
    4-Shirley Temple
    5-Robin Hood, the animated version, obviously. ;o)
    6-National Treasure
    7-Absolutely no idea...
    8-Facing the Giants!
    9-Sound of Music
    10-Swiss Family Robinson
    11-A Night in the Museum
    12-Sense and Sensibility-the good version. ;o)
    13-Pride and Prejudice, the new version with Keira Knightly.

  9. Hello!!!

    So I found your blog on Jessica McDonald's and I thought I'd comment and try guessing some!
    So here goes. :)

    1. Pride and Prejudice (BBC)

    2. I don't know.

    3. Same as above.

    4. Same again. :D

    5. Robin Hood (disney)

    6. National treasure. (1)?

    7.I don't know.

    8. Facing the Gaints.

    9. I don't know.

    10. Swiss Family Robinson.

    11. Night In The Museum.

    12. Don't know.

    13. Pride and Prejudice. (2005)

    Brooke Whitaker

  10. Dear Julia,
    I have enjoyed your blog for a few weeks now! I check it practically every day:). I thought that it was about time that I started to comment:).
    1) Pride and Prejudice(the one with Colin Firth
    2)My Fair Lady
    3)The King and I
    4) I don't know
    5)Robin Hood
    6)National Treasure
    7)I don't know
    8)Facing the Giants
    9)The Sound of Music
    10)The Swiss Family Robinson
    11)Night at the Museum
    12)Sense and Sensibility
    13)Pride and Prejudice(2005)
    Thank you for being such a strong Christian role model, and for voicing your opinions so articulately!
    In Christ Alone,
    Hannah B.

  11. Ok, Here I go! I also did this on my blog if you want to check it out!

    1. Pride and Prejudice
    2. Don't know
    3. Don't know
    4. Don't know
    5.Robin Hood! :D
    6. National Treasure
    7.Little Women
    8. Facing the Giants!
    9. The Sound of MUSIC!
    10. Swiss Family Robinson (I just read the book)
    11. Night at the Museum (I saw this a LONG time ago!!!)
    12. Don't know
    13. Don't know


  12. Hello! I just found your blog! It's lovely!

    A movie quiz...Wow! Fun!

    1. Pride and Prejudice 1995

    2. My Fair Lady (one of my faves...)

    3. The King and I

    4. Wee Willie Winkie

    5. Robin Hood

    6. National Treasure

    7. Little Women

    8. Facing the Giants

    9. The Sound of Music

    10. Swiss Family Robinson

    11. Not sure

    12. Sense and Sensibility (my fave Jane Austen film!)

    13. Pride and Prejudice 2005 (my personal favorite of the two versions. Yes, I've committed an unforgiveable sin. ;-))

  13. Okay Hers is what I think the Answers are, Here it goes...

    1. Pride and Prejudice
    2. ?
    3. The King And I
    4. A shirley temple movie, I don't know which one.
    5. Robin Hood : Disney Cartoon Version
    6. National Treasure 1
    7. Never Seen It
    8. Facing The Giants, Love that movie!
    9. Sound of music
    10. Swiss Family Robinson
    11. Night at the Museum
    12. Sense and Sensibilty ( Is that how you spell it?)
    13. Pride and Prejudice : the New Version?

    Anyway I have Never done this before, It was fun!

    - Kristin Alexander

  14. Ok, I know I'm late but I did not peek.

    1.Pride an Prejudice
    4.a Shiley Temple
    5.Robin Hood
    6.National Treasure 1
    8.Facing the Giants this and Fireproof are my two favorite movies!
    9.Sound of Music
    10.Swiss Family Robinson
    11.Night in the Museum-not a favorite
    12. Sense and Sensibility
    Now I going to go look at the answers.


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~