
Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Favorite Autumn Things

This looked like so much fun I had to do it. I found this tag at Madison's Musings, and she found it at A Pondering Heart. :)

My Favorite Things about Autumn:

  • 1. Favorite Smell... Hmmm, Well...probably the smell of Thanksgiving dinner cooking, but I also love smelling the scented candles in the living room.
  • 2. Favorite Food... For Fall, I'd have to say Chili. My mom makes the BEST homemade chili ever. Plus it's nice and warm on a chilly (haha) afternoon or evening.
  • 3. Favorite Color... Either red or surprisingly, orange. orange I really don't like too much during the rest of the year, but on the changing trees it's gorgeous. And red cranberries or maple leaves are absolutely beautiful.
  • 4. Favorite Drink...Hum. Probably hot chocolate, with apple juice coming in a close second. (I would rather drink apple juice than soda or just about anything else except raspberry lemonade, all the rest of the year)
  • 5. Favorite Treat... Either caramel apples (a newly discovered favorite) or Rice Krispy Treats.
  • 6. Favorite Place to Visit... The Smoky Mountains.
  • 7. Favorite Candy... Candy Corn! What else? :)
  • 8. Favorite Movie To Watch... Either Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving or "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."
  • 9. Favorite Clothing to wear... Sweaters, Hoodies, and when it gets really cold, my very cute knee socks. :o)
  • 10. Favorite Outdoor Activity...Oooh, hard...probably nature hikes on which I photograph everything in sight, especially fall colors... and mushrooms - when I can find them. :)
  • 11. Favorite Football Team ... NFL: New York Giants!! (Who are SO going to win the super bowl this year) College: GA Bulldogs because it's my brother's favorite team. I also like the FL Gators because of their homeschooled quarterback, Tebow.
  • 12. Favorite Fall Holiday... Thanksgiving, of course! (We don't do Halloween)
  • 13. Favorite Haunted place (haunted as in frequently visited)... Hmmm... Either my bedroom, otherwise known as "JuliaLand", or our porch, which offers a delightful view of the woods.
  • 14. Favorite Food at Thanksgiving Dinner... The turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and Stuffing. Oh and cranberry jelly, and the apple crisp...(etc.)
  • 15. Favorite Pie... Hard one. Pecan and apple are tied. Especially when you add whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on top. :)
  • 16. Favorite Fall Hobby... Blogging about Fall, Photographing the Fall colors, and playing outside with my two brothers.
  • 17. Favorite Fall Memory... Hmmm....Probably the first time we had a fire in our fireplace. We moved to Georgia in August of 2005, and we had our first fire sometime that October when it got chilly, and I remember being so thrilled that we actually had a fireplace! I grew up in South Florida, where the seasons are's just HOT and then cool for a bit then HOT again. Nobody had fireplaces! I really enjoy living somewhere where the seasons change. :)
  • 18. Favorite Fall Sight... The leaves! Hands down!
  • 19. Overall Favorite Fall Thing... Spending time with my family.
  • 20. Favorite Season... Either Fall or Spring. They are both 'transitional' seasons and I love them dearly...the blossoms of spring and the beautiful changing colors of fall are equally the best in my opinion.
I hereby tag whoever wants to participate!


  1. Yea! Thou has done the post! :) (I love speaking liketh thateth for someth reasoneth)
    I totally forgot It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! That one is an absolute classic. :)


  2. What a great idea! I love your new layout and NObama pic.


  3. I have to disagree....I think my Mom makes the best chili ever!!!

    And as to football, I agree with you about the NFL. I am going for the Giants and the Colts; I can have two. =) But I am anti-Bulldogs!!! Go Boise State Broncos!!! Dad is a Gator fan, so we have good-natured teasing between the two of us--since we share the same colors.

    I should do this!

  4. I must say that fall is my favorite season! There are so many wonderful things about it (as you mentioned! Lol).

  5. You did it, too! :D I love reading those!


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~ Julia ~