
Monday, December 29, 2008

The Great Smash

Don't you hate it when this happens?!?

We managed to break three teacups at once. They were sitting peacefully on a shelf in the corner of the dining room... with a saucer standing up against the back of the cabinet behind them... and then when someone closed our big, heavy back door.... well... you can guess what happened. The saucer tipped... and... *sniff* ... CATASTROPHE!

One of the teacups was my favorite ever. It had cute little feet and dainty little purple flowers painted on the front. Sigh. Alas, for my poor little teacup, half of it is now reduced to china dust, beyond repair.

All teacup-lovers out there can heartily sympathize with my woes, I am sure. :(

Have you ever had one of these break? It's sad.

Currently I'm: Rather Sad.


  1. Yes, that has happened in our house, and I hate it when i am the culpret. =) Well, that's sad. Once I broke a glass something or other that was in the basement. My cousin and I were playing tennis in the basement, when the ball I hit hit it and broke. That was bad, I told her, and she was not mad

  2. Oh, how terrible!! We haven't had that with teacups....thank goodness, since we have some that have been in the family.

    However, I broke a mug that I had bought for Mom years and years ago. It was only this past Christmas that I thought to look on EBAY, and sure enough, I could order another one.

    So, you never know.....

  3. Oh, that's so sad! I hate it when my favorite things get broken! We have some nice teacups, too. We haven't broken any of them yet, thankfully, but we have broken some of my mom nice china dishes and glasses. *Sniff* Hopefully, you will find some other nice teacups to replace the ones that broke.


  4. Lauren Ann,
    I know! It's even more horrible if you're the one to blame! Nobody was really at fault here... the door was the problem, being so big and thick that it shakes the house slightly when it's shut. :P

    Yes it was... I've actually got a set of china that belonged to my great-great grandmother, so I'm glad it wasn't one of those that broke! My mom and I have been looking to see if we could replace it, and
    is a great resource to match china... we think we may have found what my favorite teacup used to be! :)

    Me too! :) I do hope to possibly replace the teacups eventually. :)


  5. Once I broke our entire sat of dishes in one dramatic drop.


    On the bright side my grandparents bought us a really pretty set to replace the ones I broke.


  6. Awww! I do hate it when things like that happen. :( It is so sad to lose something like that.



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~ Julia ~