
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Tag

Today is the very last day in 2008! Can you believe it?? I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. It seems like just a little while ago that it was winter turning into spring...then it was summer...then it was autumn...and now it's the middle of winter again and it's nearly a whole new year!!! WOW! :)

I have been tagged by a delightful young lady named Madison, who has a lovely blog you really must go see.

For this tag I'm supposed to name ten New Year's Resolutions, then tag at least 7 people. Here goes!

  1. (Madison took mine) Read my Bible more! I'm shocked at how easy it is to forget to read something so precious. God planned that everything in the Bible would be written for a specific reason. There, in that book, is everything God wants us to know about life.

  2. Wear more skirts. :) I like (modest)pants and skirts equally, but I'd like to start wearing skirts more often. They make me feel like a lady.

  3. Spend less time on the computer. (haha- and what am I doing right this second?) Of course this means I have to be more efficient with my time while on the computer.

  4. Learn more about cooking. I've started my own recipe book full of special recipes that I want to save, so that someday all my mom's wonderful dishes will be easy for me to make for my own family.

  5. Spend more time outside.

  6. Take more pictures! Memories, that's what they are. Captured on film. :)

  7. Write regularly, both in my real diary and here on my blog. (and just how do I do that and spend less time on the computer??? sigh...)

  8. Be a more willing helper. God hates murmuring and complaining, and I'm tempted to do both when I have a hard job to do. This is wrong! So I will be cheerful when I go about my chores. :)

  9. Eat more vegetables. :)

  10. Make lots and lots and lots of jewelry and sell it online! :D See my online shop, Georgiapeachykeen, if you'd like to take a look. :)

I hereby tag:








Blessings, everyone! Happy New year!!


Currently I'm feeling: Excited!


  1. I know! I can't believe 2008 is almost over...never to be here ever again. It's slightly saddening but extremely exciting. Oh, I should probably eat more veggies too, urg. Anyway...have a great day!!

  2. Oooh! I loved this post Julia! :D
    First, thanks SO much for your compliment on my blog. :)
    As for your resolutions:
    Hehe, I didn't mean to take yours. But that is one of the resolutions for many who did this tag, so nobody really took it from anyone else. ;-)
    I agree on the skirt part. I think I'm going to do the same thing. Besides, in the summer, it helps you stay cool! :D
    Spending less time on the computer? That, I can't do. :P I'm a computer nut! I'm constantly on the computer. That is, when I'm not knitting, reading, or doing something else. :)
    I need to work more on cooking too. I haven't done much. I can do lots of baking, but cooking... I'm just haven't done much with that.
    I need to write more in my diary too. :) I counted up how many times I wrote each month, and one month, I only wrote 4 entries.
    I want to order some of your jewelry sometime! It's so pretty. :)
    I really liked this post!


  3. Excellent list of goals! I am so proud of you, daughter! You are growing in grace and beauty!
    Much love,

  4. Thank you for the delightful comments, everyone!

    Joelle, you're hilarious. :) I love the 'urg' after the vegetable sentence. :D I agree with you that the new year is both slightly saddening but extremely exciting! :D

    Thanks! :) And You're quite welcome. It was much deserved. :) (haha! I was kidding about you taking my resolution to read the Bible more. :) All of us should have that one!) :D
    Thanks so much for commenting! :)

    Thanks Mom! :) I appreciate it. :D


  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~