
Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm in Michigan, Enjoying all the SNOW!

I wish I could show you how much SNOW is up here! There isn't a speck of bare ground to be found anywhere a snowplow has not been! My brothers and I said the word "Wow" about 3 million times in our drive up here.... marveling at the fantastic sight of all that glittery white!

(you have to understand, my two little brothers and I grew up in Southern Florida about 15 minutes from the beach, and we currently live in mid-Georgia, so we've never seen more snow than just a light dusting.)

I'm on my Aunt's computer now... And I haven't downloaded any pictures yet, so you'll just have to wait until at least tomorrow. :D

Really though, the amount of snow up here is absolutely incredible. This morning I was at the house of my lovely friend Kate, in Indiana, and the temperature was a balmy MINUS FIVE DEGREES FARENHEIT. (-5)!!!

I have pictures of Kate's adorable goats and sheep that I'll have to share with you later as well. :) We stopped at Kate's house on our way up to Michigan, as we had spent the night in a hotel outside of Indianapolis.

This evening my family and my aunt Cheryl and uncle Dave and maternal grandparents and I went out for dinner at "The Grand Coney", where I ordered some delicious though rather spicy chili and fries. We had a great time!

My little brother just told me it's bedtime, so I have to go for now. :)



  1. Ya I used to live it MI, and Indiana :-)
    Right now were I live it's -22.
    But I'm used to all the snow in MI. I loved it, we lived a few minutes for the lake and we would always drive by it on Sudays after church. It was so pretty in winter!
    Have a safe trip back!


  2. Welcome to MI Julia! Yes, we get our fair share of snow here:)
    Glad that you're enjoying it~
    Have fun,

  3. That's Great Julia! I don't get to see much snow either. I live in TX, so usually we don't see ANY snow. But, I love snow too!

  4. Wow! Sounds like a lot of snow!!! I haven't seen too much (Delaware doesn't have really big snow falls typically, just a few inches) which is a good thing for me, because I don't like shoveling (or cold!)! =;) Yikes! Minus 5 degrees! Brrrrrrr! Can't wait to see your pictures! Glad you all could enjoy all the snow while you visited!


    p.s. - I put your button on our blog! =:)

  5. glad you are having fun!

  6. Oh! Can't wait to see pictures! I've never been to Michigan. In fact the farthest I've been North would be Ohio. Have fun!

  7. I will admit, I am glad our snow has melted!!

    Hope you have a great time up there! Being where there is snow is a big culture shock when you aren't around it!

  8. Julia,

    you have to come see 'AS one of Seven.' I think I like it, but I need someone to confirm it. (I added another column) It looks totally different than before.

    Please come and check it out!
    Lauren Ann

  9. Ooh! You make me SO envious! I wish we didn't have a speck of grass around here!

    Very nice blog!


  10. Hi Julia! I tagged you so go see our blog to find the rules!


  11. Hey Julia!
    It was so neat and fun to meet you and your family! :)
    Looking forward to stopping by and checking out all your jewelry! :) I love earrings! :)
    Miss Amanda
    The Daily Planet

  12. How funny! I was just at your blog not a week ago and then I realized that YOU were were the Julia that was coming up from GA yesterday after you left... Shows you how much I visit my sisters' blogs. LOL.

    It was lovely to meet you and your family. I'm glad you are enjoying all the snow. I would love to send you some of ours, but it is kind of hard to ship. :P But you are welcome to come up anytime and enjoy it.

    Sorry I didn't talk much... it was kind of awkward. I didn't know you were coming until the night before, and well, you know how that goes. (Sorry I am shy in person, but if you can't look me in the face, then I can talk on the first meeting. :)

    But I do hope we can talk more through comments and blogging together. :) I actually found you off a friend's blog -
    she had your icon on her sidebar, and your earring giveaway thing.


  13. Hello Julia! Yes, the snow is very beautiful, I cannot image a winter without all the snow.

    I'm so glad you got to see Kate again - she is such a lovely and sweet friend! It amazes me how much her and Breezy are alike. Btw, I'm Breezy's sister, Emily Rose. :D I have dropped by your blog now and then, but have not commented until now. *tsk, tsk*

    If my memory serves me right, you will be going to Crossroads? Our family will be going, too! We are so excited!. ;) Also, we will be going to the Father and Daughter Retreat, I believe Breezy said that you would be going. :D The retreat will be a dream come true!

    Have a wonderful week!
    Miss Emily Rose

  14. Hey, you! When are you coming home?? I'm glad you're having fun. :o)

  15. How I envy you! I wish we had lot's of snow here!


  16. Hey there Julia! I am so glad you stopped by and commented. It was very nice meeting you in person too... it was fun meeting new blogger, altho I didn't know exactly who you were at the time. :) I think Iw ill have to add a page on my blog of all the bloggers I've met (like my sisters have) and put you on it. :)

    I'm better at communicating if I don't have to directly talk to anyone... it's weird, the first time you meet. Well, I shall take that as a compliment, being added to your blog roll. Speaking of blog rolls, here is a yummy recipe for one you can do to get started - I thought I would be funny.

    I hope you have a blessed day also... and once again, I am very glad we got to meet you. In my opinion, you can't have too many friends to converse with. :)


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~