
Monday, February 2, 2009

How To Make A Blog Button

I am SO sorry about the confusion with the blog buttons! On my original post it malfunctioned when I tried to copy in the html code that you have to copy from that box down there in my post. Some of my dear readers are having trouble with your code underneath your button turning into the actual picture. This will fix that. I've copied the instructions for making the actual button from my other post as well, just in case. :)

  • First you have to take a picture and re-size it... I think 200 x 200 pixels is the biggest you can get it and still have it fit on your sidebar. My image is now that size. I used Olympus Master to get mine the exact size that I wanted. If you can't do that you can click 're-size' once the picture is on photobucket. "Small" works. *TIP* A square image works best.

  • Next you have to upload your re-sized picture to, or another picture-hosting site. you have to create a username and password. But it's free.

  • Copy and paste the HTML of the image to an HTML/javascript gadget in your sidebar. On Photobucket, all you do is wave your mouse over the image and four different codes will pop up beneath... you'll want the third one down.

  • Now you have to get tricky and change the code. Don't worry, I will tell you exactly what to type where. -if you used photobucket- Your code will say .. something like "a h r e f = http / / : 'your photobucket username' " Right there you erase it and put in your blog address. (right after the address it will have a line / and a question mark ? .

  • Please click on THIS LINK and copy and paste the code from the box on that post. I fought long and hard with my computer to put that code on this post, but I'm sorry to say that the computer won. (Arrrrgh.) So I'm going to have to direct you to my friend Laney's blog. How she got the code on her post I have no idea. :D

put that code in a "Text" gadget in your sidebar. I put mine just underneath the button. Erase the 'your text here' and copy and paste the code from your button image into that exact spot where the 'your text here' was. And you have a button!

In my mad post scrambling my pretty signature got deleted, (argh) so for today It's just plain...



  1. thank your thank you thank you!! I did it! At least I think it works!

  2. Ah! Thank you so much Julia! I thought it was just me! Computers can be such a pain!!!!! =;) I appreciate your fixing it! I will try it again!

    That's okay about not getting back so soon. You were on vacation and then were probably getting settled into your routine again and you were working on your cooking blog, etc. etc. =:) I followed the directions from the cutest blog on the block for the three columns. They have on the left sidebar a part that says secrets for bloggers or something like that. You go in, and then click on the 3 column blog part and then follow the directions from there! Make sure you save your blog first! =;)


  3. It worked! Thank you so much Julia! "Come one, come all" and get my blog button! =;)


  4. Hi girls,

    Lauren Ann,
    You're welcome! :D I'm so glad I could help.

    You're welcome too! :D They sure can be a pain... sigh! :)
    You've summed up my reasons for being busy really well... kinda scary, actually... ;) lol! Oh, thank you for telling me where you found your three-column template! I'll have to check that out. :)

    I'm glad it worked for you!


  5. Julia-
    I was wondering if there is a way to re-size a blog button using Or do you have to use

    I'm not signed up for PhotoBucket right now, and was wondering if you can do it on

    Also, how did you design your blog button? Do you use scrapblog, paint or something? Just wondering...

    Thanks, Julia, for this post!!



Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~