
Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow! In March?

I was shocked yesterday at how much snow fell! It was lovely, but quite a surprise! In the 3 years I've lived in Georgia, I've never seen so much snow here!!

That's my house. :)

Sorry about the crazy pictures... they ended up being uploaded with "no" format...
It's ironic, really, because we just went up to Michigan in January, and now in March we get dumped with more snow than we've ever seen except for Michigan. :)
It was cold, and blowy, and snowy!! Wow! :)
Thank you for all the comments on the "I'm sick" post... my family is still dragging... we camped out in front of the fire today and watched the melting snow drip off the roof. :)


  1. Wow Julia! We didn't get nearly as much snow as you did! But we had fun anyway. The last snow is still melting, even right now.
    Your probably wondering how I got your blog address - that was Joanna.

    Hope you're getting better, and see you Sunday!

  2. Isn't is SO exciting to get snow? We got a little bit yesterday, but it was super slushy and it didn't last very long. It must have been such an exciting surprise to see that much snow in March! :) I hope your feeling better! Have a blessed week!


  3. LOL Now you came to see our snow and then you got your own! LOL How fun. :)

    Miss Jocelyn

  4. Enjoy that snow Julia! I have a suprise: We don't have any snow in MI right now!!!!! It's really nice:) When you where up here, we did have alot didn't we?


  5. We got a bunch of snow (but we live in DE so we get snow probably more than you do). =;) My brothers had a blast out in it yesterday shoveling the driveway. We forgot to take pics. though. =:( I am glad your family is starting to feel better! Sitting around the fireplace sounds nice and cozy! =:)


  6. Wow that's crazy for Georgia!
    It looks really pretty =D


  7. Earlier while we were on our way to Disney, my dad said that it snowed in our "home" state. It looks like we got a lot a according to the pics.


  8. It is so ironic -- we have had an unseasonably WARM winter here in Kansas with basically no precipitation, yet down there in Georgia, you are getting snow!

    Tomorrow is supposed to be 80 degrees here - unheard of for this time of year. Not that I'm complaining! Spring fever and gardening!

  9. Hey Allison!
    Thanks for commenting! I'm glad you got my blog address from Joanna... I hope your family is feeling well too! :)

    YES!!!! I love snow! But I am getting increasingly more ready for spring. :)

    Miss Jocelyn,
    It was so funny!! :) Love the new profile pic! :)

    Actually, there was a TON of snow while we were in Michigan! If you see my post about our trip up there, you can see there was plenty of snow. :D I think my aunt's yard was 4 feet deep in snow. :)

    Yes, I do love our fireplace. :) I am glad that we're starting to feel better too! :) Thanks!

    Yep, it was pretty crazy! The snow was beautiful while it lasted though. :)

    Oh, I'm jealous! =) It is supposed to be a bit warmer here this week, so perhaps we will warm up a little. :)


  10. Seeeeeriously crazy weather here in GA...snow one weekend and 70 degree weather the next... Go figure!
    Looks like you guys enjoyed it, though. :o)


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~