
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Foolishness Quiz, created by: The Botkin Sisters


I had a wonderful talk with my father at the Father/Daughter retreat about foolishness and maturity, and the aspects of both. He suggested several ways for me to mature a bit in my own life, and reminded me that as a nearly 18-year-old young lady, I am a role model for the younger girls in my circle of acquaintances.

This really brought a new awareness to how I view my interaction with others.

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. - Proverbs 12:15

A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards. - Proverbs 29:11

Have you ever done that? I have. "Uttered all that was in my mind". And later I regret it, but words once spoken can't be taken back. A sobering thought.

My dear friends, two very wise young ladies, Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin have once again done a post very timely to what was going on in my life, and this time they've created an excellent quiz. I highly encourage you to go take it, answer the 13 questions honestly, and use it as a soul-searching tool to brighten up any unpolished areas you might have in your life.

Soli Deo Gloria!

I'm Currently....... Pensive.


  1. That is funny, because I just put it up on MY blog before I saw it on yours!
    How are you?

  2. Thanks for sharing the quiz with us! I appreciated all the verses they included.

    Oh Julia, wasn't it so sweet to get to talk to Mrs. Botkin? She and her family are so amazing, it made me tear up. ;( Here is the blog I told you about:

    I'm so glad the flowers were in bloom. I don't remember the last time I saw such beautiful gardens! I'm not sure when we'll get to see each other again, but maybe next year!

    May God bless you and your father!

  3. Hi Julia!

    Thanks for helping me out! It helped LOADS!!! That is quite frustrating, that it doesn't save any stickers, or backgrounds.

    I'll have to go and take the quiz. Thank you for sharing this.
    Miss Hannah

  4. Hey Julia! I tagged you!=)
    Miss Hannah

  5. Hi Julia!

    How are you doing today? I hope that your week is going well so far!! :) I wanted to drop by and let you know that I will be thinking and praying for you this week. ((hugs))

    Your SSA

  6. I was so glad to see this when Elizabeth emailed me - a wonderful way to reflect on foolishness in oneself. :)

  7. Oops, sorry Julia, don't post that one! I was on the wrong person's blog, but I need your address too! You also won the pay it forward and I need your mailing address and name so I can send your gift to you when I finish it! Thanks! Sorry about the confusion!



Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~