
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Background - Once Again! :)

Well, my 18th birthday is coming up on the 10th, and I'm thinking of all I did in this past year, and to celebrate just how much I'm loving my life I made a new blog header and changed the background to go with it. :)

The Cutest Blog On The Block has started making free header pictures to use with their free backgrounds! How wonderful! :) When you click on a background there are usually a header picture and a matching blinkie that you can use underneath it. :) They have some new springy backgrounds, so if you've been thinking about changing your background, head on over there and check it out! :)

I'm feeling so Creative!


  1. This is a beautiful template, Julia!!

    I hope and pray that you will have a wonderful birthday!

  2. Hi Julia!
    I love your new background and header from The Cutest Blog on the Block! I love looking at their backgrounds. Also, thanks for the post about! I checked it out and have made some headers, etc.
    Your new design is neat! God has certainly blessed you with the gift of graphic design, blogging, photography, etc!

  3. Aww...I love the new look for your blog! And I also have enjoyed reading your blog very much, it is a great encouragement to me.

    Have a great birthday, 18 is a great age to serve God!

  4. Cute background Julia!! =)
    Ooh, they have free headers? I'm *so* going to look at them. =P


  5. It's a gorgeous background Julia! I love it =D


  6. My brother has been looking for a new background for his blog. I found a John Deere one.

    Miss Alli

  7. very pretty! I started making backgrounds on my design blog.

  8. Julia-
    I just designed a blog header and it worked, so thanks for this post and the "How to Create a Blog Button" post. And thanks for telling us about is so fun to use! Thanks, Julia!


  9. Happy Birthday a day early! :>)
    I finally got a post done on the conference! I posted some pictures too.
    Hope we can get together soon!

  10. Julia,

    Nice header and background! You are always so creative with your blog! I hope you have a great 18th birthday!

    Katherine Cole

    P.S. Your crocheted squares look great, too! Where did you learn?

  11. Just put your blog button on my blog! Thanks for commenting on my blog, Julia! Thanks for all the blog tips, too!

  12. Looks beautiful, Julia! :) very you!
    Hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday! HUGS and LOVES!
    The Daily Planet

  13. Hey Julia! just wanted to wish you a:

    Your eighteen, right?
    Miss Hannah

  14. I love the background!! The header is really pretty as well. :)

  15. I love the new background and header! I happen to have the same on on my blog! (I'd love it if you would check it out, the address is
    You're fantastic at photography and your blog is interesting and fun to read!


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~