
Monday, June 22, 2009

Surprising change...

I do not have pictures yet of the surprise I want to show you all. But as soon as I do - you will be able to see it! :) First I have to see if I can find a 'before' picture, and then take some 'after' pictures. :) The whole thing was my mom's idea, and now it looks great!

See if you can guess what I'm hinting about! I would love to hear your guesses. I'll give you three hints -

  • It involves something that now is softer.
  • The surprise is a change that has occured.
  • And, we did it partly with my upcoming graduation party in mind! :D

So there, let's see if that makes you curious. :)


  1. Hi Julia,
    I have no idea what the surprise could be, but I can't wait to find out!! :)

    ~ Blessings,

  2. No clue Miss Julia! I can't wait to find out though.

    ~Hannah Paige

  3. Oh my goodness!! I can't wait to see it is! I think I *might* have an idea of what it is... but I'm not sure. When will you let us know what it is? =) lol, I'm a very curious person. =P


  4. Could the surprise be cutting your hair?

    Sorry, I have no idea!

    In Christ,

  5. I'm thinking a new couch? Hmm, but would that make you excited? Not sure? =;) Lol! =:D When you sayed softer, my initial thought was your hair...that maybe you tried a new hair cut (but then, why would you cut your gorgeous hair!) or a new shampoo. Lol! Okay, I am very curious now! =:D I can't wait to know what it is!!!!

    Blessings and Hugs! =:D

  6. Did you clear a space for parking? I can't imagine your yard without so many trees, though, lol. :)
    Well, I have a surprise for you, too, but you'll have to wait until Sunday. ;)

  7. Something to do with your bedroom?
    Can't wait to see what the answer is!

  8. Hello there! I think I may have stopped by your blog before but I'm not certain of that. In case you're wondering, I arrived here from Sarah H.'s blog. If you'd like, stop by my blog.

  9. you got a hair cut? :) Can't wait to see the surprise!
    The Daily Planet

  10. You've got a really cute blog!! I also noticed that you graduated - congratulations!!! I'll graduate next year, and I can't imagine how great it must be to be done with school!!! I do enjoy being homeschooled, though. :)

  11. something with hair, or a new room look? wait that wouldn't be softer. no clue!

  12. Hey Julia! Sorry I haven't left a comment before now...anyway, just wanted to say I'm anticipating what it is very much! :)


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~