
Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Am Going to...

New York! :)

My family and I are leaving Saturday (the 11th of July) to go visit my Grandma and her sister, my Great-Aunt Barbara. We should be back on Sunday the 19th. We will take 2 days to drive up and 2 days to drive back, but the remainder of the time will be spent with these wonderful ladies! :)

I am so looking forward to seeing my Grandma and Aunt Barbara again. The last time I saw them was a little over a year ago. I wish you could meet them... they are so spunky, energetic, and fun! I want to be just as active as they are when I reach their ages... which are somewhere in the 70's and 80's, respectively.

We plan on seeing some of the Adirondack Mountains, and we may even go Garnet mining. :) That will be fun! But the most fun thing of the trip will be seeing my Grandma and Aunt again. :)


  1. Oh my word! =) How fun and exciting! I've never been to New York, but I'm sure it would be a lot of fun!
    Your grandmother and great aunt sound a lot like a couple of older men I know. They're still very energetic, and do a ton of things that people *half* their age don't do. =P They're great people! So I know what you mean about energetic older people. Aren't they wonderful? =D
    I can't wait until you get back! =)


  2. that sounds so fun!!!! I've only been to NYC but I've heard upstate NY is beautiful. All of New England is really....prettier than Atlanta anyway.

  3. Huh! I'll be in New York visiting my Grandma shortly after you leave. Don't you love New York? I mean, the green fields and beautiful trees. Not all that liberal junk. ;)

    Hope you have a great trip, and I pray it's a safe one!


  4. Have fun! I've only driven through NY, but I guess that still counts right?



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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~