
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Crochet Blocks

Here's a riddle for you. What do you get when you make Julia lie down in bed for 4 days straight to get better from a cough?

Lots of crochet blocks! ^_^

Inspired by an email from my dear friend Breezy, I decided to share some pictures of what I've been making while battling this bug. :D I've discovered a hidden talent for crocheting while in a half-reclining pose. :)

This is personally my favorite of the batch. It's a granny-in-the-middle. :) I got the idea for the color combination of hot pink, cool aqua blue, and the lime green from 3 balls of yarn that happened to be lying next to each other on my jumbled floor... (things tend to get messy when I'm sick and unable to tidy)

And this is a close-up. Don't you just love the rich, bold colors?

I would not have thought of putting these colors together but I love the effect... I copied this color combination from my crochet pattern book.

An 'Edwardian Fancy' crochet block. :)

This is a 'Coffee and Cream' block ... I made it in delicate purples and soft white baby yarn. Close-up:

I really liked how this one turned out.
I tried a new block, and made this 'Anemone' square....

This is an older square but it was too small. So I added that stripe of variegated lavender, pink, and mint around the edge and ... Voila! Perfection! :D It's an "Italian Cross". See the pink cross in the center?
The outside border really 'ties together' the colors.

I cheated a bit on this 'Begonia' crochet block and used less colors than it called for, but I was extremely satisfied with how it turned out, so "hah-hah." *triumphant laugh*
Somebody, *cough-cough* likes blue & brown. :) Can you tell?

I also altered the design for this 'Coffee and Cream' block, and used more red instead of making a plain brown background...
I LOVE it. This block reminds me of my friend Joanna, because cranberry, cream, and brown are some of her favorite colors. :) They look so yummy! :)
And lastly, I begged my brother Mark to pick a block out of my crochet book and I would try and copy it. So he picked this one, a color variation of a "Criss-Cross".

I thought my crochet blocks looked cool from the side too. :) This is about half of my stash... I have two baskets like this. Full. :D Hope you enjoyed yet another little 'glimpse' into my life. :)


  1. Hi Julia! Wow! You HAVE! been hard at work on these! You have gotten so many done! What a great way to use your sick time wisely! =:) I love all the color combo's you did, fabulous! You have such a great talent for these! =:D I hope you are feeling some better! Still praying!

    (Jessica is sick now...please keep her in your prayers and thoughts!) =:(

    Love and *hugs*! =:)

    Do you need me to schedule Jessica's post for tomorrow on MOHL? Let me know okay! Although, I'll be going to bed in like 1/2 hour or so.

  2. Whoops! Never mind, saw it was posted! He he! =:)


  3. Those look great Julia! Hope you feel much better soon. Evidently sickness is going around. I have a sore throat right now. yuck.


    Luckily, germs can't be sent through the Internet. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to send you any hugs. :)

  4. Those are lovely! I'm just a beginning crocheter, and have only done Granny squares, I can't wait till I learn to do cool stuff like that. :)

  5. Wow, Julia! They're beautiful!

  6. So pretty, Julia! You certainly have used your "sick time" wisely! I like the way you store your squares--in a basket! Have you ever made a quilt out of the squares? Hope you get better soon!

    May God richly bless you!

  7. Hi, you!! :o)

    Are you feeling better now? We sure have missed y'all... :oP How's your summer been! Glad you got to go to NY, but also glad you're back safe and sound. :o)

    Love the crochet blocks - especially that tan and red one. ;o) How many more are you going to make before you turn 'em into a blanket?

    Love ya,

  8. Those are all so pretty!! Wow I could never do something like that lol!!


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Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~