
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Post-a-Day #2

Today I have a question for you, blog readers... How did you find my blog? I would love to know... Maybe I'll even be able to remember how I found you, if you comment! :D

Love & Hugs,


  1. Oh, Yikes! Are you kidding? I can't remember! Lol! :D I think it was just through someone else's blog when Jessica and I were blog jumping. I know it was very soon after we started our blog! Friends ever since! ;)

    Love and Hugs!

  2. Hi!!! I found your blog because I was on one of my favorite blogs (now your blog is one of my favorites too, I have lots and lots of favorite blogs!) and saw an adorible blog button, which was yours, and clicked on it. Then I came to your blog and looked at it and really liked it.

  3. Hi Julia! I don't remember exactly how I found you. My parents have a blog, and I was looking at the people who follow them and looking at their blog. So I'm pretty sure I found you through a million link of a link of a link--that kind of thing.

    Much Love,


  4. Well, it's actually Rachel's fault. She found you first and then got me hooked. lol! No idea how she found you. But, I am glad God lead her to your blog. You have been such a blessing and encouragement to the both of us!


  5. I got an email telling me who my SSA was and then...I emailed you back not knowing you would know who I was and then you found out and I have been your not so secret SSA ever since! lol :)
    Praying for you girl!

  6. Hello everyone!

    You and Jessica are such dear friends to me! :) I'm so glad you found my blog!! :D

    Delighted to hear that you found me through my blog button! :D I'm glad it works... Thanks for adding me to your list of favorite blogs!

    I do that all the time... aren't links great? :) You find so many neat blogs through other people's blogs... whew! Mind-boggling, really. :)

    :D And I'm thrilled that your dear sister got you hooked on my blog. :D You two have been such an encouragement and joy to me as well! I am so thankful we 'found' each other! :)

    :D I'm glad you're my not-so-secret super secret angel (ssa)! :D Thank you for your prayers! I look forward to getting to know you better! (And I will email you back soon...)

    Blessings to you all!

  7. I found yours through Madison. I came to it when I saw your post on christmas.

  8. Hi I found your blog Through Joyfully Home. One of my favorite blogs and Now yours is added to my favorite list.

  9. I discovered you through our friend Kate! I'm glad you two met, which lead to our meeting. ;)

    For Christ's glory,

  10. Hi Julia,
    Great question! I might have to ask my readers that sometime. :) Let's see...I'm pretty sure I found your blog through Rachel and Jessica. I'm so glad that I did. It's always such a joy to find other like-minded young ladies!!

    Many Blessings to you, dear friend!

    ~ Love in Christ,

  11. Let's see...I think I found your blog through SimplyVintageGirl? I think it was on a young lady's blog about the father-daughter retreat. Your blog is such a blessing and encouragement, Miss Julia! Have a nice day, delighting in the Lord!


  12. Hey Julia! honestly have no idea! I know I have been reading and following your blog for quite a while now (because it is always so inspiring and fun to read!) but I'm not sure how or when I found you! I'm so glad I did, though!


  13. I am not positive how I found your blog. I think it was from sometime I was looking at some of my favorite blogs and seeing what blogs they read and found yours! But I am not sure which one it was from, lol.

    KK from IA

  14. I remember! Joanna T. was over one time, and we were looking at stuff on the computer, and she showed me your blog! I LOVE reading it now!

  15. I think I found your blog on someone else's,and saw your button.I thought it was a really cute button,so I clicked on it.I love your blog and you seem really nice!

  16. I found your blog through my friend's blog, Joyful Jewels 4 Jesus.

  17. I'm pretty sure that I found you from Jasmine's blog (Joyfully Home)! However, it was so long ago that I can't exactly rely on my memory lol! Anyways, keep up the great work:)

    God Bless,

  18. Hello Miss Julia
    I have just recently found your blog and find it so encouraging. I actually am at home on LOA from my job for maternity leave (our own little girl is due in just 22 days!), I also have just learned to crochet and was wanting to know how to do a "block" so I googled it and you were one of them that came up. I love your blog with all the photos of the blocks you did, I don't think I'll ever be that good but its very inspiring. I'm sure your parents are very proud of the young woman that God is shaping you to be!

    With Love from Texas

  19. A Sister in the LordSeptember 5, 2009 at 1:01 PM

    Hello Julia!

    I found your blog the same way Jenna did through Jasmine's blog (Joyfully Home). Although I did see you at a VF retreat in GA. but we didn't meet... Maybe next time.

    Anyhow I really like you blog!

    Do you make all your graphics? If so, what program do you use?


    A Sister in the Lord

  20. Sister in the Lord,

    It seems this is the only place I can leave you a reply....

    I do all sorts of things graphic-wise... a lot of things I just find on the internet, many I do create myself on, bur I don't really have one place to get graphics from... sorry! :( I use Microsoft PictureIt for most of my graphic design. I don't reccomend the "express" version I have now, it doesn't do hardly anything. :P


  21. Thank you Julia!

    I enjoy your blog and really like your gaphics!


    ~A Sister in the Lord


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~