
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Finished My Afghan...*dances*

I do apologize for the lateness of this post. My family and I have been up to lots of things lately...

But, anyway, here are some pictures of my finished afghan!

I absolutely l♥ve it!

I finished it on Saturday evening at 9:30 pm, so it was ready for homechurch the next morning! :) I was very pleased to have completed it and reached my goal to have it done. :) And, I must confess, I am delighted with how it turned out. It's bright, colorful, crazy, and for me, distractingly pretty. :) The next afghan I crochet (not doing that for a while!) ...will have a pattern, and will not be so 'sampler'-style... but I like how this one came out. :)


  1. Your afghan is so pretty, Julia! :-) I loved getting to see it "in person" on Sunday!

  2. WOW Julia! That is absolutely beautiful! You did such a lovely job!

  3. It's beautiful Julia!!!

    Love it!


  4. It's been a long road, Julia, often riddled with itchy noses, headaches, callused fingers and carpal tunnel. The result was worth the pain though. I hope I can soon share in the sense of accomplishment you must have now...only about 40 more to go for me. WHOO! BTW, I'm proud to have lent my talents to that one beautiful pig-ear nub on the Willow square...

  5. Oh, Julia, I absolutely love it!!! It's so pretty and colorful. :) You did a great job on it!

    ~ Love and Hugs,

  6. Wow! It's so lovely Julia! :D How many blocks did you make for this? I just love accomplishing my projects when I set my goal to accomplish them! ;D It makes me feel so...accomplished! ;D Lol!
    It makes a lovely addition to your room too! :)

    Oh, how are you and your family doing? Is your mom feeling better now?

    Blessing and Hugs dear friend!

  7. Dear Julia,
    What a pretty crocheted afghan! Oh, it is so delightful! What a pretty afghan! Great job! It is so delightful!

    Joyfully in Jesus,

  8. Oh my gosh,I LOVE it!!Very bright,cheerful and pretty :)You did an awesome job Julia!

  9. Dear Julia,

    This is the prettiest thing I've seen in a long time!:D I wish I could learn how to crochet, so I could have a new "blanket" for my bed...

    I just became a follower of yours and I would like to congratulate you for your very artistic blog. I like it very much! :)

  10. How nice Julia! What a beautiful afgan! How long did it take you to finish? Are you going to use it as a bed-spread of just a throw?
    Your sister in Christ,
    Rachel Grace

  11. Thank you, Thank you! *bows low* no, strike that... *curtsies* :D I'm kidding...

    I'm so glad ya'll liked the afghan! whew! All the compliments are rather overwhelming. :)

    Itchy noses? Speak for yourself! heehee. :) I can't wait to see YOUR finished afghan... I'm sure it will be gorgeous! And I am very happy to have a piece of your work in my afghan... :) It makes it all the more special. :)

    Hello Dearie! :) I made 81 blocks and the afghan is 9x9... thank you for inquiring about my mom - she's doing better, thankfully! :) Me and the rest of my family are doing well too! :) All's well in our household at present. :)

    Wow, I'm flattered! Thanks for following me. :)

    Rachel Grace,
    (I should have mentioned this in the post) I have been working sporadically on it since April of this year ('09) and just finished it now in October. :) I plan on using it as my main bedspread now... I like it too much to store it away. :D

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to everyone else! :)


  12. Your afghan is lovely and inspiring. I love it!!!!! I can't seem to figure out crocheting. I love to knit though. Do you knit along with crocheting? If so, which one do like best? Again, a wonderful piece of art, and very useful too.



  13. Oh! I LOVE your afgan!!!!
    Wish I had one for my bed :)
    In Him,
    Alena A.

  14. It looks amazing!! I don't think I could ever make something like that!! It's so pretty!

    Sorry it took me a little while to get back to your comment on my design blog :) I kinda forgot about that post! :) Thanks for the comment, it was really nice!
    For my nav bar I use images. I upload them to Photobucket, get the HTML codes, paste them into a gadget, add the correct links, and all done! It doesn't take that long, but if you need anymore help feel free to email me or I can do a tutorial on it, if you'd like.


  15. P.S. How many balls of yarn did it use?

  16. Your afghan is sooooo pretty!!!

    I started following your site 2 days ago. My girls are so thrilled to see your work. I decided to follow you because I know you can be an inspiration to my homeschoolers.

  17. WOW! GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! I L♥ve it too! :)

  18. So pretty,r I LOVE your blog!!!

  19. That is so beautiful! I love all of the colors.


  20. Wow, Julia! I am impressed! Your lovely crocheted afgan is BEATIFUL!! I love all of the different colors and designs.
    You've really inspired me to learn to crochet so I can make granny squares/afgan and donuts, too! =)
    Thanks for your delightful blog - it's so encouraging!

  21. I couldn't count all the skeins of yarn I used... it was all bits and pieces here and there from my entire collection of yarn! Sorry about that! :)

    I love to crochet but can't knit at all! Tried it, hated how if you drop a stitch you have to go and UN-KNIT until you get there to fix it... uuuugh. :D Crochet works better for me. :) If you make a mistake, you just pulllll until it all nicely unravels until you can fix it again. The one hook is also somehow easier for my mind to comprehend rather than two knitting needles. :)

    Again, thanks to all! :)

  22. That's absolutely beautiful Julia!

  23. Your afghan looks so beautiful. I have considered making different blocks with scrap yarn. I was wondering where you got the patterns for the blocks you crocheted for the afghan.

  24. Hello, I came across your website while doing research for a textiles project at school.
    These are great, Well done, I'm bookmarking you lol :) x


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~