
Monday, October 19, 2009

Swirly, Whirly, Busy Days...

Well, my life has been a whirl of activity over the last week and this weekend... we had a wonderful time visiting Homechurch yesterday after not having gone for a few weeks due to sickness... it was so nice to see all the familiar faces again. Our homechurch seems to have grown closer and deeper and I am so excited to see how the Lord is working through all of us. :)
The SBD (South Beach Diet) is going splendidly - Mama and I made tacos for dinner tonight and she and I had ours 'taco salad'-style without chips. I put a smidgen too much *hotsy-totsy* sauce on mine and consequently felt somewhat akin to a fire-breathing dragon, but it was very tasty nonetheless! :)

And...... for the past week I have been up to something very special, colorful, and involving...

Crochet blocks.

And that's all the hint you get, until further notice. Any guesses? :)

Love & Hugs!


  1. Hey dear friend! :) So nice to hear from you again! Glad you were able to go to homechurch again and that you are all better or on your way to getting better now! :D Yeah! Hopefully you all won't get sick again for quite some time! ;)

    Yum! Love tacos! ;D So happy the diet os going well for you all! I think it's much easier to diet when it's a family thing and not just yourself. :)

    Hmm, well, I guess an afghan! ;) Lol! Your block is beautiful! I would never have thought to put those colors together, you are so creative! :D

    Lot's of love and Hugs!

  2. Hmmmmm,are you making a quilt?That crochet block is sooo pretty!

  3. It sounds like you've been very busy, Julia! I can't wait for your next post. :)

    ~ Love and Hugs,

    P.S. - I love that picture of the balloons! It's really neat, and it goes so well with the title of your post! :)

  4. Are you creating a quilt made out of crochet blocks? :) Excited to hear what the project is, Miss Julia!

    Joyfully in Jesus,

  5. Ooh, very pretty! I'm excited to see what you're making! Crochet block are so much fun. :D

  6. Hmmmmm, an lovely afghan giveaway?


  7. it some sort of blanket? It is very lovely!

    (gorgeous colors too!)

    Christ's blessings,

    Miss Lizzy

  8. Could you be making and afgan, or just more crochet blocks? How special!
    Rachel Grace


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~