
Monday, October 12, 2009

What Ho! Home from the Show.

We're home from the show! Actually, it was done on Saturday, but it took me a while to get around to posting about it. We were very tired afterwards.
Mama and I did rather well, getting about 1/5 the profit we made at the GHEA homeschool convention in May... but then our town is a small town and we had much less people stop by than at the convention.

Here are all the new doughnuts I crocheted for the Fall Fest...

Aren't they neat? I just love them. Unfortunately, not one sold! I was rather disappointed, but now this means you have a chance to purchase them from my Etsy Shop! (give me a few weeks to get them on there...)
Here's our little booth... my jewelry table is the one with the pink tablecloth and Mama's 'craft' table is the one with the cute little autumn ribbon running around the top edge.
This is the garland we made to hang around our booth... we took square fabric 'charms', folded them in half to make triangles, and sewed them all together in a straight line! :) I thought it was quite adorable. :)
I had lots of jewelry for sale...
...mostly earrings and necklace & earring sets, with a few bracelets...
And some stunning beaded watches that I designed and Mama put together. (Will have better pics soon!)
Here is Mama's table. She was selling all-natural heating bags, crocheted hotpads/potholders, homemade peach jam, and gift baskets with two jars of jam and two potholders inside.
We were giving away free samples of the jam on wheat thins... I think that helped sell it! :) Once people tasted it, they wanted to buy some.

We also had the doughnuts on a dessert stand on Mama's table. So many people stopped and picked them up and exclaimed "how cute!"... yet I didn't sell any! :( sigh.... (let it go, Julia....) :D

Now, for some breaking news from Julia's Family...
Yesterday, Daddy, Mama, and I started the South Beach Diet! :) I never thought I would try something like this, with rules and a menu plan... but we found the book at a yard sale for only $1.00, so... we thought we'd give it a try! :) I'm excited about it, yet also a little sad because for the first 2 weeks, we won't be eating sugar, fruit, bread, rice, pasta, or carbs, and no dairy except low-fat cheese. However, there are lots of tasty things we can eat, like my mom's homemade chili, black-bean soup, and crockpot chicken, and I'm SO thankful that I can still have all the dill pickles I want. Whew! Those would have been very hard for me to give up.
I will try and keep you updated with our progress! :)
Love & Hugs,


  1. Hey! Glad it went pretty well. Sorry your donuts didn't sell. Most people I have found don't really like to buy hand crafted things made from yarn. I tried to sell hair scrunchies at a homeschool book sale and I only sold like 2 I think. :( I love the set up you had for them though! Too cute! ;D

    Oh, I LOVE the garland you and your mom made! That's so creative! And it turned out great too! :) Everything you and your mom have looks great!

    Wow! You really had a lot of jewelery to sell! Did you sell much of that? :)

    I have heard of that diet. Hope it goes well for you all! You can find some south beach diet recipes here on

    Lot's of Love and Hugs!

  2. Hi! This is Alana (if you don't remember, my family and I came to your graduation). I found your blog while looking at a different blog my mom found for me. I also ADORE taking photos (I am definitly what you call an amature photographer). I hope we can keep in touch. I don't have an email address yet but hopfully will soon. great blog! Keep up the good work!

  3. Oh, Julia, all of your stuff is so pretty and cute!! I'm sorry you didn't sell any crocheted doughnuts. I would have bought one if I had been there! :D They're just adorable!

    Wow, let me know how your South Beach Diet experience goes. It sounds interesting. :)

    ~ Love in Christ,

  4. Your watches look very nice, Julia. I am so glad that things went reasonably well for you and your mom selling things!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello Julia!
    Sounds like the show went well! Oh, those crocheted doughnuts are adorable and I love how you displayed them on a dessert stand! I hope they get on Etsy soon! :)

    The garland is lovely and the jewelry looks so very nice on all of the stands and holders! So many delightful colors!

    Have a lovely day, delighting in the Lord, Julia!

  7. Dill Pickles, Huh? lol! A girl after my own heart! (Happy sigh) This conferms it, You are officially adopted as my second sister! ;) Or is it forth or fifth?... Who knows... I have so many already adopted. lol!

    I can't believe that none of the donuts sold! That's odd. Rachel would be doing the same thing.

    I love the decoration you made for your booth! Those little flags are adorable!

    Love and Hugs!

  8. Oh, how sad that no one bought your little doughnuts! I would have bought them all, I just love them! You make me want to learn how to crochet :)
    ~Alena A.~

  9. Hi Julia~
    I'm sorry you didn't sell any of your cute little doughnuts! But actually, that's good for us 'cause they'll be in your Etsy! =)
    BTW, your jewelry is beautiful! And your tables look so organizing and professional. Thanks for posting!

  10. OH! What BEAUTIFUL things you are selling! How nice. :)
    The goats are cute too.
    Your blog is so sweet~ Blessings!
    -Emily Anne

  11. I love all the things you made they are soo pretty!!!

  12. Hi Julia!

    Your booth and your mama's booth, both look great! I would have loved to be there! I would have bought one of the doughnuts, those are too cute!! :D

    I hope you have a wonderful day!


  13. Hey Julia,
    I just found your blog -- I love it! :)


  14. Such lovely things!

    Craft fairs are a lot of fun but I too often wonder why some things don't sell. (and at other booths, the strangest things sell out!) Especially when everyone you meet says "oh you should sell those" and when you finally make 10 of them to sell, nobody wants them!

  15. Julia, it was so pleasant when I stumbled across your blog today! I noted that you and your Mom and Dad are on the South Beach Diet. That's an excellent diet. My Mom and I were on that diet for a while. We quit because niether of us were losing what we wanted to, and it was a little complicated of a diet.
    Recently we found a diet where fresh foods only are permited. I've lost, get this, 20 lbs in 3 months!!!!!!! (I'm not as tall as you, only 5-5) My Mom has lost 15 lbs (weight she hasn't lost for 15 years since my little sister was born) and my Dad has lost, well, a lot. Anyhow. I thought that you might like to look at the diet. It's "Jay Robb's Fat Burning Diet Made Easy" and a fruit flush (the three day one). The diet isn't as easy to do as the South Beach Diet, but it's really healthy and you lose weight fast. The diet also has no "phases", it's the same thing all the time for the rest of your life, but it WORKS!!! Look it up!
    PS. the book is only $5!!!
    ~Emily Ruth~
    Private blogger


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~