
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So long for a little while...

My family and I are headed to the beach to spend a weekend in Florida with my Grandma! :) We're leaving tomorrow and will be back on Sunday. I'm looking forward to the reported 80-degree weather and hope to come back with a handful of shells and a tan. :D
See you when I get back! :)


  1. Oh, how fun!! I hope you and your family have a wonderful time, Julia! :)

    ~ Love,

  2. Hi Julia!

    My name is Rebekah, and I'm a missionary kid (MK) in Chile, SA. I found your blog through a friend's :) I love it!
    I, like you, also enjoy making jewelry! It is SO much fun!
    Would you mind if I followed your blog? Feel free to check out mine, as well :D

    God bless!



Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~