
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Purple Berries" afghan in the works...

So... there is a very quick preview of some of the squares for my new afghan! :) I've been crocheting them for a little while now and I keep falling in love with each one I make. :)

My color scheme this time is composed of dreamy, muted shades of purple and warm berry colors, iced with a sparkling white and lightened here and there with delicate lavender and pink. Ahhhhh. :) Doesn't that sound nice?

This afghan also features some of my finest crochet work, with tons of actual, 3-D, stand-up flowers in many of the crochet blocks. I LOVE making those! :)

I know what you're thinking... "But Julia, didn't you just make a huge afgan?"
Yes, I did... It's on my bed right now, and there it will stay. This one will hopefully be a Twin/Large throw size and will go in my hope chest when I can bear to put it away.  :D No, I'm not tired of crocheting... in fact, as soon as I finished my other afghan, I was itching to start another one! :) It didn't happen for a while, because mama insisted that I take a break from crocheting and focus on other homemaking skills. But now I'm back at it, picking up my crochet in the evenings to work away. :) 

I was actually going to make an afghan in greens and blues, but the inspiration just wasn't flowing there for some reason. I love the colors I'm working with now, though!!

How about you? Are you creating anything right now? I'd love to hear about it. :)


  1. *sigh* all I can do is smile when I read any of your posts dear! :D You have such a friendly style of's like you are just having a casual conversation with me int he same room. :) I so enjoy reading each of your posts! :D

    Your squares are lovely! :D I never seemed to catch the "afghan bug". Lol! ;) But I love the work you have done with your afghan squares! :D They are so charming! I love those pop-up flower squares best too! ;D I love the idea of making an afghan for your home like that...I may have to start one. ;) I think that would be fun! :D

    I think that's funny that your mom made you take a break. ;) All I ever do is work with yarn it seems these day...sometimes I have to remind myself to work on my other crafting skills, or just try something new or read a book instead! ;D Lol! I just LOVE yarn! ;D

    I'm working on a baby afghan (crocheted) for my hope chest right now. :) It's yellow...not my favorite color for myself, but it works well for babies. ;) HeHe! Also finishing up some ornaments for my hopechest. :) I got some new knitting books though for Christmas, so I am hoping and looking forward to making myself some vests and sweaters in the near future! ;D I hope anyway....we'll see how it goes. I've had bad experience in the past with garments. ;) Lol!

    Love and Hugs!
    Happy New Year to you! :d

  2. That's REALLY cool Julia! I can't wait to see it when finished!

  3. Wow! I just started crocheting! I can't wait till I could crochet like you!

  4. Oh, Julia, I love the squares that you've done so far! The colors are just beautiful!! I can't wait to see the finished product. ;)

    ~ Much Love,

  5. Wow! I am speechless! How beautiful! Great job.

    Queen Lucy

  6. Those are so pretty! I don't know how to crochet. Is it easier than knitting?


  7. Wow, that is so pretty, Julia! I can't wait to see it once you get it all together. :) Crocheting is one of my favorite homemaking skills as well and I think you've encouraged me to start another big project soon!!! :)

  8. I forgot! Question: where do you find your patterns?

  9. I have been crocheting washcloths to sell.....I think I am addicted!

  10. Oh, Julia. I can now imagine the end product, as beautiful as the first one. I'm thrilled to start my own. do you have a tutorial on how to do the squares? Or a least some tips from your old post?

    You are an amazing young lady. Happy new year to you and family.

  11. Hello, I got your blog link from Ruth.
    I to Love Crocheting and I happen to Homeschool my son :)

    Nice blog you have here :)

  12. Hi Julia! I'm not sure if I've ever commented but I have visited a few times before.

    I too love crocheting, although I don't get as much time for it. There's so many things I'd like to do if I get more time.

    Well, when your afghan is completed, it would be nice to see what it looks like.
    All the best with that.


  13. Wow, Julia, what a cute afghan you're going to have. Once I get around to learning how to crochet, I'd love to make one! How did you learn?


  14. Oh, wow Julia! You have a definite talent. Your squares are beautiful! I'm sure your afgahn is going to look gorgeous!

    One of my goals for the new year, is to really pursue crocheting, knitting, and sewing. As far as crocheting goes, I am re-teaching myself how to make granny squares. I'd love to make them into an afgahn like you are!

    I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product! Your posts prove as inspiration!



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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~