
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

I had a major dilemma this afternoon.

I'm currently on the South Beach Diet phase one (for two weeks) during which I am not eating any carbs or sugars. Then, today's lunch came along and threw a wrench into the works. Mama wanted to make a nice hot *delicious* lunch of homemade pizza, one of our favorite meals. I can't have pizza crust, it's a carb.

Mama was not to be swayed by a little problem like that, (harhar) so she set her mind to work on how we could make a pizza that I could eat. She began pondering what we could do as a substitute for her crunchy, amazing whole wheat crust... *drool* ... and came up with a happy alternative.

We opened up a can of black beans and heated them up on the stove. Then we threw in some leftover cooked chicken to give it a little more body. We spread out a layer of the black beans/chicken (using about half of the pot) in a glass pie pan, and topped that with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and my favorite pizza toppings.. pepperoni, black olives, and pickles. :D Yummmm.

And, we sprinkled the whole thing with parmesan cheese, garlic, oregano, and basil. Then, into the oven it went!

We broiled it for about 6 minutes, watching it carefully to make sure it didn't get too crispy. Then... out it came. I wasn't sure how the black beans would taste, topped like a pizza. But then I took my first bite.
Oh. My. Word.
It was AWESOME! I loved it! All my favorite pizza flavors were combined with a delicate chicken taste, subtly underscored by the mild black beans. Ooooooh. :)

I was only able to finish about half of this filling dish, and wrapped up the rest and put it in the fridge for tomorrow.

Hurrah for inventive mothers!


  1. OMW! YUM YUM YUM!!!! I am so hungry now! That looks absolutely delicious! <3
    Blessings :)

  2. OH, YUM!!!!!! :D That looks fabulous! You'd never miss "real" pizza with that! ;D Look so delicious! Yes, Hurrah for mom's! :D

    So proud of you for sticking with your dieting sweetie! I know it's tough...keep at it girl! ;D Love you lot's! HUGS!!!!!


  3. Julia, as a suggestion, you could share this over on your cooking blog too! ;D

    Love and Hugs!

  4. That sounds delicious! Your mother is very imaginative. :)


  5. Yum! :-) That sounds super delicious as well as carb-less! :-)

  6. WOW!!! I might need to try that. :)
    You have a great mother. :D

  7. That looks so yummy!! What a wonderful and creative mother you have, Julia. :)

    Sorry I haven't commented in a little while. I have been reading your posts though! I really liked that one you wrote about the guy in the music store. ;)

    ~ Much Love,

  8. Oh, Julia! That looks so good. I have been experimenting with bean recipes. I am going to try this one!

    Mrs. Sisk


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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~