
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Watching "Emma"

Are any of you interested in watching the new Emma Jane Austen movie, starring Romola Garai? *squeals* ;)

I watched it and I must say, I was more impressed than I expected I'd be. I love the Gwyneth Paltrow version of Emma, but there are many things about this new version that captivated me. :) I was pleasantly surprised by how many of the lines from the movie are actually taken straight from the book, and how little the screenwriters changed the plot, characters, and situations. The timing of everything is extremely close to how everything happens in the book. All this I love! :D I like the newer Harriet much better. At first I wasn't sure about Mr. Knightley, but I absolutely loved him by the time the movie was done.

Frank Churchill is much more like I would have imagined him to be... the ages of the actors seem to be closer to the actual book... Unfortunately, I didn't think Romola Garai acted quite well-bred and elegant enough for the part of Miss Woodhouse, and does a few things that I don't think Emma would have done... (i.e, bursting into Mr. Knightley's library, making a short electrifying statement, and immediately running back out) And Miss Bates was not quite as 'bates-y' as I would have liked. Overall though, this is a very well-done, satisfying Jane Austen Movie. :D


  1. Is that the new Emma movie?
    If it is, I've seen it. It's good isn't it?

  2. Well, the kitten's name was "Robin Hood" (no, I didn't name it), and there was another kitten named "Maid Marian", so I just named the post after him. :-)

  3. Hey Julia...I will definately have to check it out...thanks for the recommendation. I love the Gweneth version too!!
    Hugs, Pamela

  4. Thanks for sharing this Julia! My mom and I watched it together - and both enjoyed it very much! We loved how beautiful and vibrant it was - while still feeling very authentic. We especially appreciated how lovely and modest most of the ladies dresses were.
    I agree with you that this Harriet was much better.
    Thanks again,
    Kate :)

  5. Ooo! I haven't seen this one yet!
    It looks really good though. :)
    I missed it on TV, so thanks for posting about it!!!

  6. I really liked this version of Emma too. I agree about both Harriot and Mr. Knightley. I really like both of them.

    I do agree on Emma too. :)

  7. My thoughts exactly. I loved this new version, even though the older version has many loyal fans...including myself. Yet I found this new adaptation very refreshing and much more believable.

    I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

  8. I haven't heard of this, but I'll check it out!

  9. Oh, I just loved this version of Emma! I thought the Gwyneth Paltrow version was really good, but now I have a new favorite =) I really liked how they gave so much background...explained so many things. I agree with your thoughts on it...and I personally loved Romola Garai as Emma. I thought she was adorable!

    By the way, you have a beautiful blog!


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~ Julia ~