
Monday, May 31, 2010

Exquisite Bracelets

Today I was playing with the new things I received in my jewelry order, which came the other day. I'd happened to order some stunning spacer bars that evoked a victorian feel with antiqued silver and swarovski crystals adding a little sparkle. I had an inspiration, dived right in, and ended up designing 8 bracelets! I've never made so many 2-strand bracelets before in one day, so it was a new record for me... and I decided it was blog-worthy! :D So, whipping out my little camera, I snapped a few pictures for you.

Aren't they beautiful?

The bracelets are not complete yet, just strung on the Accu-Flex wire, but you get the idea. :)

Looking at these just makes me all happy inside! :) I was also quite pleased to get so much done today. Creativity comes in wild bursts for me... so I've learned to go with the flow and 'make hay while the sun shines'! :D

I actually do this pretty often. Snap a random self-portrait, that is. I rarely share them in blog-world, however. :D Here I am thinking, "hmm, will this angle work, or cut off half my face?"

And here I was thinking "Oh wow, it works!" :) I also love the close-up of the beads... all that shimmer and glitter is nearly overpowering my "sparkle radar". Oooh! SO gorgeous! :D
So what do you think? Did you spy a favorite color amongst my jewelry pieces? (hopefully! I usually just have to guess what people like when I'm ordering beads... sometimes my instincts flop, but most of the time they're pretty accurate) Let me know if you're interested in purchasing one of the completed pieces. These will all eventually be for sale. ;)

Love & Hugs,


  1. Those are beautiful! Love those pink ones. :D

    Abby :D

  2. ha! i understand about creativity coming in bursts. That describes my exactly. Those are beautiful colors.

  3. Oh, how PRETTY, Julia!! I'm really loving the dark blue one, and the light pink one is beauitiful too. Great job, dear friend! :-)

    ~ Love,

    P.S. - I really like the pictures with you in them. Thanks for sharing them this time! It's always nice to see you. ;-)

  4. WOW! THOSE ARE GORGEOUS!!!! You are so talented!
    Katy :)

  5. Hey Julia~that's so neat! I love that picture of you, you're so pretty. =D

  6. Those beads are SOOOOo Beautiful!!!!
    I LOVE them!!! :)

  7. They are beautiful Julia!!! You did such a great job on them!
    I was wondering were do you get your beads from?
    I think my favorites are the purple one andthe grenny-blue one!
    They are all soooo pretty it is hard to choose!

  8. Oh, Julia, they are all so stunning! :D Wow!!!! I'd have to say these are the most beautiful thing I've seen you make yet my dear! :) Love all of them! ;) You have such a wonderful talent for tasteful jewelry sweetheart! :D

    It's hard to pick a "favorite" but I think (all in the first picture) the pink at the very top and very bottom and then the first dark blue flowery on are my favorites. ;) I don't wear green much..but I also love the beads of the green on in there too. So beautiful! :D But they are ALL so gorgeous! ;) Who knows...I may have to give in and splurge and buy one of these beautiful bracelets from you. ;) HeHe!

    Love those camera angles of you. ;) Lol! That's what I'd be thinking too. :) HeHe!

    Love and Hugs my sweet friend! :D

  9. Oooh, they are so lovely! You are very creative! I love the blues and the pinks.


  10. Hi Julia!
    Whoa, I LOVE the bracelets! You did a really good job. I also really like you blog :)

  11. Where do you get your beads and string and other jewelry stuff? I'd like some more high-quality beads than I have. Also, do you have any tips on jewelry making?

    Abby :D

  12. Wow! Love your creations. Sooo beautiful. I know what you mean about those creativity bursts! I've been beading like crazy these last few days. :) Today though, I had so much on my mind nothing I made looked right! :P Happy beading!

  13. Thank you everyone! :) I'm absolutely thrilled with the enthusiastic response! :)

    (Also, I will have to post more pictures with 'me' in them. Ya'll seem to like that.) :D

    To answer those who were curious about where I order my beads, I get them from Fire Mountain Beads and Gems. (just google that) They have a HUGE selection and are a very reputable and professional company.

    Love & Hugs,

  14. They're beautiful! My favorites are the blue ones. (-; And my creativity also comes in streaks. (-;

  15. Ooh! These are beautiful Julia! :D I love them!
    By the way, I thought I'd tell you.... I saw you at the homeschool conference last month! But I was dreadfully disappointed... the two times I came by you either weren't there or you were deep in conversation, so I decided not to interrupt you. :( But I thought I would let you know that I did see ya ;)
    And another thing... heh heh... me and my advertising... I started a new blog! :) And hopefully this one I'll actually keep up with! Here's the link:
    Anyway, I can't wait until these are for sale... I may have to get one... ;) They're so amazingly pretty!


  16. The purple and pink pieces are my favorite. I love all the sparkle!

    I awarded you on my blog!:)

  17. Beautiful job, Julia! You are so talented!

  18. I just found your blog, and I love it! So cute. :)
    These bracelets that you've made are simply stunning! If I saw them in a craft show I would probably be oohing and ahhing over them for hours. ;)

    Blessings to you!


  19. Julia,

    I loved that pink one! I love to wear bracelets.

  20. Hi Julia, those bracelets are really beautiful, and you making them make them all the more pretty. I love your creativity. Creativity is something that is so special, especially to me.

  21. They are beautiful, Julia! I think my favorite would be the purple one. :) But they are all very pretty!!


  22. Hi I love your blog and those are beautiful. Where did you get them? I would love one. Thanks.

  23. WOW! those are really beautiful! I'm not much for a jewelry type girl, and I don't wear anything except a necklace (and sometimes not that) but these are so cute, I'd wear one!

    great work! *HUGS*


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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~