
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Living Life and Loving it! (and Jane Austen blog backgrounds!)

Whoops, that blog title was too long... ;) But I wanted to give you some idea what this post was about! :D

Firstly - I just posted some beautiful new FREE blog backgrounds yesterday on my design blog that are Jane Austen-themed! You really have to go check them out.

Here's a sneak peek of a few of them...


A Word, A Look

Oh, a Cottage! How Very Snug
As for other news... I think I'm all over my cold, hurrah! ;) Although I've still been designing blog backgrounds like mad. :D I have over 200 of them that still have to be released. *goggle-eyes* I'm really excited about the "Fall" ones I just made. Those will be appearing next Monday, and I have some really unusual ones scheduled for this Friday before that. :D

I promise I won't be turning this blog into a "Go look at my free backgrounds" platform! I'm just so excited about them right now and it's fun having something to actually show to you all. :)

Life has been good these past few days... today we made snickerdoodles (*YUMM*) of which I ate far too many, and we plan on going grocery shopping tomorrow, and we have some fun plans for Labor Day weekend! :)

Speaking of 'showing you' things....

 Awn't dey dust duh cuuuuuutest widdle fwuff-baws you evva did see? ;)
 These pictures were taken on their first day at our home... they arrived already one day old last Friday.
And we are keeping them all snug and secure in a little brooder box with plenty of food and water.

I hesitate to tell you their purpose.

They're going to be our 'meat chickens' and will be processed and put in the freezer when they're ten weeks old. :( I'm trying not to get too attached to them!

*evades the looks of utter horror and neatly ducks flying missiles, making good her escape*


  1. Those backgrounds are so pretty!

    Oh, aren't baby chicks the *cutest*? :)

  2. Beautiful! I LOVE "A Word, A Look". They're all pretty.

    Awwww... those chicks look SO cute... and delicious. :)

  3. Is that "Crispy" on the left in the chick picture? lol :) so sorry to hear you were sick. I'm going to resubscribe to your blog. I had you on my feeds list but had to delete all of them due to them constantly draining our precious internet allowance. I'm using google reader now so I'll keep up with you better.
    Love to you and have a great Labor Day weekend!

  4. I love Jane Austen backgrounds. :)

  5. These backgrounds are BEAUTIFUL! I change my background once a week because there are so many that I want to use.

    Baby chicks are adorable!


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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~