
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Random Odds & Ends

Hi Blog readers!

I felt like writing you a note tonight, and this is it! :D

First item of interest in my list of things to impart/confess/relate: TOMORROW is the day when we will be going to the End of Ultimate Frisbee Season Party! First, we meet at the T family's home for a dinner of delicious chicken from (where else?) Chick-Fil-A. Then we'll head over to the field and play frisbee like wild things (I've been exercising and getting in shape all week, so Bring It ON!) :D I'll let you know how the game goes. :)

Second item of interest:
My facebook account is no more. My family and I decided that FB wasn't something we wanted to be involved in, but we gave it our best shot and I'm glad we at least looked into the possibility. I enjoyed a brief glimpse into the lives of some friends I hadn't heard from since I was a little kid. I will definitely miss the closer contact I had with the lovely girls of like mind from the Meditations of His Love blog, but I still have several other ways to keep in touch with them. Some of the stuff I saw on Facebook was, to be candid, disturbing. It's like an alternate world, facebook... and people feel emboldened to post all sorts of foolish, ill-judged things that ordinarily they would not say in real life. Not to mention how much TIME I was wasting on there! :D So, for several reasons, I will not miss you, Facebook.

Third item of interest:
I have some super blog posts planned for you! One is about burned bread, (trust me, you'll love it) one will be stuffed with pictures I snapped of the pretty fall leaves changing their hues outside my home, and one will showcase photos of an intricate crochet project that has been occupying me for some time. :)

I've also got plans for some way awesome blog backgrounds for you, and will be releasing some in the very near future!

So, till then, I am, yours truly,


  1. Julia,

    I think you made a great decision to get off Facebook. It really is a time-sucker.

    I look forward to seeing pictures of your crochet project and the fall pictures! The leaves in Oklahoma are starting to turn colors, but I don't know how much of a show we'll get because we had a drought this summer.


  2. I understand about Facebook, Julia!! There is a lot of junk on there, though I will miss seeing you =D

  3. I hope your team wins :D Could you send some Chick-Fil-A my way?

  4. nice post, Julia!
    Yep, i get you on the whole facebook thing. I don't think it's wrong in and of itself and i have full confidence in my friends who have it that it CAN be used in a beneficial way. But i totally agree that there is a lot of immature and even inappropriate things that go on on Facebook. And i really don't need another online time waster.:)
    I'm sure you'll have a ball(or should that be frisbee?:)) playing ultimate frisbee and i hope it's an exciting grand finale!
    love ya! Kelly

  5. Hey Julia
    I agree with your decision on Facebook. I too was on FB, but closed my account as well, and I'll never regret it.
    (You might have just given me another blog post idea) ;)
    You're in my thoughts and prayers.
    Much love.


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~