
Saturday, November 12, 2011

I am Thankful for ... Creature Comforts

Today I am thankful for something I take for granted every single day.

Creature Comforts!

Air Conditioning.

Indoor Plumbing.

Hehe. The last one is the one that sparked this post for today. This morning, one of my brothers discovered that the wellhouse was leaking water. Daddy went and checked it out and realized one of the spigots (or something?) needs a plug (or something) and called the well guys to come and fix it. So... we filled up some jugs and then he turned off the water. Then he left for a job appointment. The well guys had said they would be right out.

11:11 AM, and they still aren't here. *sigh*
Thangs jest move a leetle slow-ah arayound he-ah. ;)

 But usually, we have running water + indoor plumbing + electricity + air conditioning.
And I am thankful for it! :D

Visit Rachel's blog for more info on the 30 Days of Thankfulness! :D

Thanking Him,

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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~