
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I am thankful for... Protection

We are experiencing some stormy weather here in my neck of the woods today. There are tornado warnings for our area and a few minutes ago I heard the tornado sirens wailing. This kind of made my stomach do a few little flips.

But you know what? It's moments like these that make me grateful that I have a big strong God on my side. :) He is there to shelter and protect his children like me. And I am SO thankful for that.

So, have a nice day. I'm going to get a few flashlights together in case we lose power, and gather up a pillow and blanket in case we have to go into my little half-bath in the middle of the house. But I can do this without any fear in my heart, because My Father is watching over me and hears my prayers. :)


  1. Aww, praying for you sweet friend! Praying the storms disappear!! {Hugs!}

    Yes, it is *such* a comfort to know we serve a big God! :D He is so good - even giving courage and strength to our hearts in the midst of the storms of life. :)

    Love you!

  2. I'll be praying for you.

  3. that WAS scary, wasn't it? I was home all alone and since there is no storm shelter on our place i was considering taking refuge in or dryer. LOL!:) I'm so thankful it wasn't worse. My aunt lives an hour south of us and she said a tornado touched down right up the road from them. Scary! I'm thanking God for protection, too!

  4. Yes, we were also under a tornado watch here in our neck of GA. Thankfully, all we got was rain. Glad that God is a God who never rests and always has His Children's best at heart.

  5. Thanks for the sweet comments and prayers, ya'll! We are fine and only got some nice rousing rain, with no twisters (tornados) in sight anywhere. :)

    KELLY! Hahahaha! Oh my... that was very resourceful/imaginative/HILARIOUS of you to consider hiding in the dryer... Lol!!! I've heard climbing into the tub and pulling a twin-size mattress over top of you will protect you, but thankfully I've never needed to test that myself. :D



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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~