
Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm Thankful for Flowers...

Day 5 of the 30 Days of Thankfulness is here! :) I'm so enjoying this challenge and coming up with different things to be thankful for every day. It makes me feel pollyannaish and delightfully happy to have so many things for which to give thanks. :)

Today I am thankful for... flowers.

 I know flowers are usually associated with springtime, but lately we've seen so many pretty little wildflowers blooming at the edge of our woods! I've been keeping our vases full of them and it's been such a delight having fresh flowers in the house.

We actually have some white jonquils pop up in our yard every spring. We found them the first year we lived here as a lovely surprise one spring morning! :) They have the most *delicious* scent.

Azaleas always remind me of the Father-Daughter retreat my Daddy took me to... we had such a lovely time. We also have some azalea bushes in the circle of our driveway that bloom a bright fuchsia every year.

Purple pansies remind me of my mom. Her favorite color is purple, and they have such an elegant sweetness about them that makes me think of her. :) Love you mommy.

And I happen to know my sweet friend Rachel loves sunflowers! :D I do too. The epitome of "Cheerfulness", they are! :D

Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. what a sweet post. :) i love gerber daisies too! yay for God's beautiful creation called flowers. ;)


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~ Julia ~