
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Best Ham and Potato Soup In The World

I could eat this soup by the pot-ful If I had an ounce less of self-restraint. It is seriously that good. I crave it if we haven't had it at least once a month.

I'm going to be really nice and actually share with you the amazing, super-easy, (hey, if I can do it, you can do it) wonderful recipe for this creamy potatoey goodness.

Delicious Creamy Ham and Potato Soup Recipe:

Originally found on, modified to fit our tastes. :)

- 7 cups of peeled, diced potatoes
- 2/3 cup chopped celery (about 2 large stalks)
- 2/3 cup finely chopped onion (About 1/2 an onion)
- 1 and 1/2 cups diced ham chunks
- 6 and 1/2 cups of cooked ham broth ...

You see, instead of water, we fill up a huge pot of water ahead of time and boil the ham bone from our spiral-cut ham. It makes a savory broth full of healthy stuff that cooks out of the bone. It's also the secret ingredient for making a perfect pot of soup.

If you don't have ham broth, you can substitute water and 2 Tablespoons of chicken bouillion granules. But only if you're desperate.

Back to the ingredients!

- 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste
- A dash of garlic powder to taste
- 2 teaspoons ground white or black pepper, or to taste (We usually use 1 teaspoon of black pepper. But I prefer 2.) ;)
- 10 Tablespoons butter
- 10 Tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 4 cups of milk

(The soup base)
1. Combine the potatoes, celery, onion, ham and broth in a stockpot. Bring to a boil, then cook over medium heat until potatoes are tender, about 10 to 15 minutes. Stir in the salt, pepper, and garlic.

(The white sauce)
2. In a separate saucepan, melt butter over medium heat (we usually do medium-high on our stove, seems to work more accurately). Whisk in flour and cook, stirring constantly until thick, for about 1 minute. Slowly stir in milk so as not to allow lumps to form until all of the milk has been added. Continue stirring over medium-ish (or medium-high) heat until thickened, about 4-5 minutes.

(The grand combining)
3. Stir the milk mixture (white sauce) into the stockpot (with the soup base) and cook soup for a weensy bit until it's all mixed together nicely. Serve immediately.

It's even better left over. I could eat it cold, it's so good. Mmmmmmmmm.

I hope you enjoy this soup! It's perfect for these right-before-spring, sort-of-chilly evenings. :)

I went somewhere with a friend my age this past Saturday, and she and I had such a wonderful time! I am still editing the pictures from our excursion, but once I get a nice collection I'll share them and tell you about what fun we had. :D Sound good? Okay. I'll see you then. :)


  1. Oooh! That looks so good! Now I'm hungry for some of that soup! : )

  2. Ya'll must try it. It's my favorite soup ever... and is definitely in my top three favorite meals. :)

  3. That soup looks great. :) I think I want something warm right about now and a bowl of soup would be nice. :) If only I could eat it off the screen. :D {sigh} I guess I will go make myself a cup of tea.

  4. P.S. Love your new profile picture! : )

  5. Yum! Gotta love soup recipes--hey, do you know a good broccoli cheddar soup recipe, like they make at Panera's? :)

  6. Nothing beats a nice steaming cup of soup coming in from the cold! I love and am definitely trying this one, thanks for sharing! Your blog is beautiful, and you seem like such a lovely, intelligent pure-hearted girl! I just started my blog, and people like you are so inspiring!

  7. You won an award on Homemade Ministry! Go to the blog to check it out.

  8. just stumbled upon your blog - lovely! i love it and your heart. looking forward to reading more :)


  9. I made this soup the other night for my family (just the way you said) and my husband who's a "foodie" and quite the food critic loved it. Thank you for the recipe! Shannon

  10. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Shannon! Thanks for commenting! :)


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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~