
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I bought MYSELF a big red heart...

... just because I like chocolate. :D

No, I don't have a valentine. Never had a boyfriend, actually. I'm waiting for the one special man that God has already chosen for me. One day I'll meet him, and I'll get to tell him that I never held hands with, kissed, or gave my heart away to anybody else but him. How precious will that be?
So - yes. Valentine's day brings thoughts of love and marriage into my head. But it also reminds me to stay strong in my convictions and remain pure and unspoiled for my future husband.

February is a month of birthdays in our family! My sweet Mama had her birthday on the 9th, and my handsome brother Mark celebrates his today, on the 14th. He's 18 years old now! He's never been that thrilled about having a birthday on Valentine's Day, but the rest of us think it's pretty neat. :)

We made Mama a tasty, healthy, sugar-free chocolate cake for her birthday. ;) We did lots of little things to make her day special... waffles for breakfast, a fresh bouquet of dandelions, and going out to Ryan's for dinner.

I wrote her a letter that I'd like to reproduce here to show you, because it give you some idea of how blessed I am to have Mama for my mother.


Dear Mama,
I did not know what to get you for your birthday this year, so I decided to give you my words in this letter. I am so blessed to have you as my mother. All my life, you have nurtured and cherished me, daily making sacrifices for my benefit.
You say that you're so imperfect, and that you wish you had been a better mom, but Mama... you are the best, bravest, most devoted mother I have ever seen. I would not trade you for any other mom on earth.
You constantly battle against tremendous pain, and over and over again, I see you win. You are an amazing picture of perseverance and dedication.
Daddy has a faithful wife in you, for you support and encourage him in a sterling example of a godly helpmeet. I pray that one day I will have a chance to love and honor a man as you do him.
Mark and Steven don't know I'm writing this, but I know they would agree with me in saying that we have the most wonderful mommy in the world.
I love you so much! Have a very happy birthday!
Proud to be your daughter,



This morning we surprised Mark with the board game Settlers of Catan, a fancy duct tape sword and knife that Steven custom-made for him, and a big heart-shaped box full of chocolates. I think he was happy. We're also planning a trip to the LEGO store up in Atlanta sometime soon.

Later this evening we'll have one of Mark's favorite meals, Amish Chicken, and then enjoy a delicious "Turtle Cake" for his birthday cake. One of our very favorite desserts to make, it's a Mennonite recipe that involves German chocolate cake mix, a gooey caramel filling, and chocolate chips on top. It's best eaten with a dollop of whipped cream. Yummmm.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Happy birthday to Mark and a be-lated one to your mom! The cakes sound really good. But then, ANYTHING with chocolate sounds good :D

  2. hehehe I made myself a bracelet today. ;) I'm in the same boat as you, never had a boyfriend, waiting for the right one. And I'm happy with that. :) But it was fun making a bracelet for myself that I normally would sell. Enjoy the chocolates! :D

  3. Oooh, I love Settlers!
    Happy birthday to your brother and Mom! :)

    I love reading your blog, sometimes it feels like I'm reading my own thoughts. It's almost strange, haha, but nice. :)

    This is exactly my line of thinking:

    "No, I don't have a valentine. Never had a boyfriend, actually. I'm waiting for the one special man that God has already chosen for me. One day I'll meet him, and I'll get to tell him that I never held hands with, kissed, or gave my heart away to anybody else but him. How precious will that be?
    So - yes. Valentine's day brings thoughts of love and marriage into my head. But it also reminds me to stay strong in my convictions and remain pure and unspoiled for my future husband."

    I find it so sad that so many people I know don't agree, and carry on with a new relationship every two weeks.

  4. ^ Hmmm, I have K,K,K Kommenters! ;)

    Thank you, Katelyn! They did have nice birthdays. :D

    How fun! And so much healthier than chocolate. ;) Lovely idea. And it's a nice boat to be in. *grabs an oar*

    We love Settlers now too, we stayed up until 11:30 finishing the game last night! Whew! :D

    "I love reading your blog, sometimes it feels like I'm reading my own thoughts."
    Neat! That must mean you and I think alike. LOL! I'm delighted that you love reading my blog. :)
    Yes, I also find the "Boyfriend today, gone tomorrow" scene very sad. :(

    Thank you all for the comments!

  5. Your letter to your mom is so beautiful, I am sure your mom was very very touched by it. She is lucky to have such an appreciative daughter. I could also tell by your writing style that you are a very convincing and excellent writer, and was so pleased to read that you are planning to write a book. I wish you much success on that exciting endeavor!


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~