
Monday, February 6, 2012

They won!

I can't help myself, a blog post was practically mandatory.......
I am a huge NY Giants fan. It's my dad's fault, really. Ever since the time I was a wee little thing knee-high to a grasshopper, I've loved watching football with my daddy. I asked him questions about everything that happened until I finally understood the game. And I'm a 3rd generation Giants fan.
We don't have TV anymore since the bunny ears antenna signal died, but last night Daddy found out that NBC was streaming the game live on their website, sans (without) commercials and halftime show (which none of us prefer to watch anyway!) Thank you NBC! That was very nice of you!

And this game was awesome. It was a nail-biter and adrenaline-pumping down to the last few seconds.

In the last (fourth) quarter of the game in the last Super Bowl the Giants played in, there was an amazing play where Eli Manning threw a pass to David Tyree, who caught the ball between his hand and his helmet!!

And in this game, a similar play happened late in the fourth quarter. The Giants got the ball way down the field and had a lot of ground to cover if they were going to make a touchdown. They needed to score some points, because they were trailing the Patriots by 2.
Then, Eli threw a bomb 38 yards down the field to a receiver who caught it over his shoulder and just barely got his feet inside the field (vaildating the catch) before he was tackled by two Patriots. It was amazing! (I put a picture of it up there ^ so you could see what I'm talking about)

The Giants scored a touchdown with under a minute left on the clock. And the Patriots didn't respond with any points of their own - Tom Brady's wild toss into the end zone resulting in an incomplete throw.

Eli Manning was awarded Super Bowl M.V.P. (Most Valuable Player) for the second time. He's holding the Vince Lombardi trophy in the above picture. He also won a really awesome, brand new, black Chevrolet Corvette. I was slightly envious.

I really admire the Manning family, Eli in particular. He's such a great guy. Here he is just after the game with his wife Abby (the pretty blond lady on the left) and 10-month old daughter Ava Frances. I'm so glad he won, and finally everybody admits he's as good of a quarterback as Tom Brady.

Speaking of Tom Brady.... He looked pretty bummed out at the end of the game. I felt sorry for him... a little ... but I was thrilled that the Giants won. So my sympathy was short-lived.

In case you haven't noticed, I tried to write this post in a way that would be understandable to even my non-football-loving friends. *Ahem, Cough, MOHL girls* I had some people ask me "Who's in the super bowl this year?" I mean, puh-leeze.... ;) The people around where I live seem to be more into college football. I can't get very excited about that, but I did root for the FL Gators when they had Tim Tebow. Another really great guy.
I hope you enjoyed this post! :)



  1. My dad likes the Giants too. So we were really happy when they won! They did a good job.

  2. The game was AMAZING. Thanks to Tim Tebow, I finally became a football fan. ;) It took that much convincing. haha Now I really enjoy watching the game. And oh yeah, rooting for the Giants all the way--Eli really does seem like a nice guy.

    Great post!

  3. Abby - They did! That last drive was all Eli. :D We had a blast watching that game.

    I heartily concur. :) It was an amazing game.
    That is a lot of convincing! :D Tim Tebow is a wonderful young man. Yes... Eli is a great guy, from a great family. :) And now his brother Peyton has twin baby boys! A whole 'nother generation of quarterbacks! :D


  4. We are all die hard Oklahoma Sooner fans. We occasionally watch NFL. Glad that your team won!

    You rooted for the Gators when they so mercilessly slaughtered our beloved Sooners in the national championship in 2008?!? :) We were all in sackcloth and ashes that fateful night. :)


  5. I am so happy the Giants won! I was baby-sitting that night and didn't find out who won until I got home. Then I did my own little Happy Dance :D

  6. Hi Katherine!

    The Sooners? I have never heard of them! I must have missed that game in 2008. :) I rooted for Tim Tebow but we didn't have TV... And good grief, "slaughtered"?? It's just a game! Lol!! :)

    I was doing the happy dance too, as soon as the game clock ran out and the Giants had won!!! :D Babysitting sounds fun! :)

  7. Seriously...... Eli Manning is good, but he only won both those Super Bowls because he "Got Hot, Late". Tom Brady has taken his team through a lot more, and he's won 3 Super Bowls (1 more than Manning), and has been in more Super Bowls (5 to Manning's 2).

    Tom Brady = Superior overall QB than Eli Manning.

    Eli Manning = Superior Super Bowl QB than Tom Brady.

    As to NBC, that was AWESOME! As to the actual game... What a heartbreaker. :'( It's sad to see your team's captain just sitting on the ground staring off into space after a hard loss.

    ~Jay :D

  8. Hey Justus!
    Thanks for commenting! Nice to hear from you. :)

    I didn't know you were a Patriots fan! I was thinking you guys would root for the Chicago Bears! ;)

    Well, I think that Eli Manning and Tom Brady are in the same league, on the same level. But I'm not saying either of them is better.

    Yeah - we were thrilled with NBC's generosity in streaming the game on the internet!!

    Yes. I can definitely see how the game would have been heartbreaking from the other side. From my point of view, it was a happy ending, but from yours it would have been sad. :( I'm sorry.

    You know what I was thinking during the game? "Man, some of these guys would make FANTASTIC Ultimate Frisbee players!!!" ;)

    'Til next time, then! :D

  9. Some of them undoubtedly are good athletes.... But I doubt if many of them could catch or throw a Frisbee! :D

    The rest of my family are Bears fans, but I have 3 teams I like... The Patriots, Packers, and Falcons (I first liked the Packers when Favre played for them... So I guess I like them more than the others).


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~ Julia ~