
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Warfare by Duct Tape hits YOUTUBE!

At long last, the time has come...


Sorry. A little over-dramatic, there. :) But this is a momentus occasion! My brothers have made their first Warfare by Duct Tape video! And it is now live on Youtube!

Check it out!

And like they said in the film, if you want to make weapons like the ones they're playing with in the video, you can find the instructions on!

If you leave a comment on this post, I'll let them know what you thought of the movie! :)


  1. Love it, love it , love it!!! Great job!!! :)

  2. My only question is...who filmed it? ;) Hehe.

    It looks great! :D I showed it to Nathan and he was laughing the whole way through it (I suddenly get the feeling our brothers would get along very well, Julia dear). ;)

    I pray this brings them a lot of success with their exciting business! :D

    Okay now it's your turn to share a video! *hint* *hint* ;) I think that might be fun. :)

    Love you my Georgia Peach! :) Been missing you a lot lately! {{{{Hugs}}}}

  3. Hi Kenzie! So glad you liked it! :D

    Good Question, Rachel. Answer... me! :D Well, all the scenes where you can see Mark. He filmed a few of the shots of Steven. The footsteps in the beginning of the movie are also mine, pretending to be Mark. ;)

    I would love to be in a video! We'll have to see if that can be arranged. ;)

    I've missed you too! Looking forward to our next phone chat! :)


  4. Too funny!! The video was hilarious! I think y'all did a great job! My brothers would love all the weapons :) I'll tell them to check out the website. Good job on filming!


  5. I just found your blog and it is so cute! I love the movie! Nothing like a laugh to start the morning =] Also, I just wanted to say that your hair is gorgeous!


  6. Thanks, Beka, and Rachelle, and Ruth! :D


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~