
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pumpkin Pie and Golden Rain

Today, there was a whole lotta bakin' goin' on. ;) We baked up three batches of homemade stuffing (eh... 'dressing' to some people - not us. We've always called it stuffing. Dressing is what you drizzle on your salad!) ... and we also baked FOUR pies. 2 apple pies, 1 pecan pie - from pecans I cracked by hand! - and 1 pumpkin pie. All from scratch with homemade crusts. Any minute now the oven timer will beep and I'll have to stop typing to go get the bubbling apple pies out of the oven.

I love this time of year. :)

We'll be celebrating Thanksgiving just-the-five-of-us this year. We'll be traveling in December to go to a cousin's wedding so it wasn't feasible to go anywhere for Thanksgiving... and all our family lives out-of-state. But we plan on having a grand time anyway, and the food is going to be absolutely delicious... :D

This afternoon I was looking out the window at the gorgeous, glimmering, golden light pouring down through the wooded ravine near our house, and then the wind began to blow and gently tugged free thousands of fluttering leaves that danced in the slanted sunlight. It literally took my breath away and I gasped from the sheer beauty. It looked like golden rain. Or perhaps snow, because the leaves floated like giant snowflakes.

When I notice things like that, it's almost like I can reach out and feel the presence of God, just waiting there for me to see Him. It makes my heart glow.

I hope you have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving!


  1. Oh, I always feel the same way about sunlight like that, only I'm not so creative and brilliant to come up with an enchanting title such as "golden rain" - I'm going to borrow that. ;)

    Yes, our family is staying home as well, we almost always do (used to go to an aunt's house on my dad's side of the family but that tradition stopped after a sad divorce a number of years ago) so now we enjoy relaxing and just taking our time and watching the parade as always. :)

    Love you and Happy Thanksgiving my sweet friend!

  2. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know me and my family did!:) The pies all sound sooooo good....:) But Lord knows i couldn't eat a bite more!:) -Abby S.


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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~