
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

In Which I Went to Birmingham

Part One

Hi all!

We had a wonderful trip to Birmingham, Alabama, a couple weekends ago. On the first day, Mark and Steven exhibited their creation with their friend Max while Mama and Daddy and I toured the Birmingham Botanical gardens and went to the Mall. I'll be sharing the photos I took at the gardens in another post.

On day two, my parents and I joined the boys in the convention center to soak up all the sights and sounds and explore the LEGO creations.

Okay, to catch some of the crazy excitement and LEGO-ness we enjoyed, watch this:

(I helped Mark put the video together.) :)

Me and the LEGO creation! I got tired after walking around the exhibit hall and begged a seat next to the boys  behind their table. :D 

A random shot of downtown Birmingham... because you have to take pictures out the car windows when you're on vacation. :D We saw lots of tall buildings - a novelty for this girl, 'cause I live in the country. :D 

Mama and Daddy and I found Birmingham really easy to navigate compared to Atlanta. There was much less traffic and it actually seemed pretty quiet. 

I liked this "Cityville" sign on a contemporary-styled apartment complex.

An old house right next to a brand new building that looked like it was formed from a chunk of glass!

I even saw a castle!! LOL - I have no idea what this building was.

Also, bridges, bridges everywhere. 

And an old Jewish Temple, right across the street from a Mormon church.  Massively impressive.
Stay tuned for part 2!


  1. Hello Julia! =]

    I was reading your post and saw that you were in Birmingham for the Lego conference. My family and I live about 40 min. away from Birmingham!! =] Next time y'all come over, we would love to have you (and your family) over for lunch or something.

    I hope your family enjoyed your visit! It looks like y'all had a lot of fun.

    Have a blessed day!
    ~Courtney =]
    (your old SSA)

  2. Dude. I simply cannot imagine how much time and patience all this takes. So cool! And so much talent! *wow*
    P.S. Mark of Falworth looks mischievous indeed.

  3. Oh, Courtney! I wish we had been able to come visit ya'll! I had no idea that you lived near Birmingham! See, this is what comes of not announcing my plans beforehand. *sigh* This is the second time I've missed meeting blogger friends because they didn't know I'd be in their area! I'll let you know when we come to Alabama again. :D

    Dude! Now I'm trying to guess who you are! ;) You know Mark of Falworth but don't sound like a LEGO builder yourself...? Interesting!

    Have a blessed day!

  4. Glad you had fun! The buildings are very impressive, especially the Temple.


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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~