
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

When Life Gives Ya Lemons...

... simply make lemonade and sell it for $1.50 a glass, quickly becoming a Lemonade Millionaire. ;)

Feeling a little crazy this evening... I'm ill with a horrid-feeling throat. It's not 'sore' exactly but it feels tight and  swollen and I've been coughing like mad all day long, causing my left ear to feel as if someone is turning a screw winding tighter and tighter into my head. :P Also, my lower back hurts from all the heavy lifting and cleaning I've been doing and for some inexplicable reason, my left hand feels as if the fingers have been bent backwards, all strained and painful. In short, I'm not doing so well! 

However, despite feeling the worst I have in months, I got nearly half of our house photographed for the website! Progress! Our realtor is coming on Friday to meet with us for the first time and see the house, so we've been putting the finishing touches on it. :D 

While taking a break in between dragging myself around with camera in hand, and watching episodes of Scarecrow and Mrs. King, I spent a couple minutes on Pinterest.

That was my day, in a nutshell. Despite feeling rotten, I am so, so blessed, and things are most definitely looking up. I've been house-hunting online and made a secret pinboard of options... I'm excited about touring some of these places in person! There is a lot to choose from but we are searching for just the right one that I am certain God has set aside just for us, that fits all our needs and is the right price for our budget.

Daddy started his first day at work today and said it was great. We are so thankful.

How's 2013 treating you so far?


  1. Happy 2013!! Hope ya'll house hunting ends in the perfect home! Where will ya'll be moving exactly? It's so fun to look at houses online and in person! My grandpa has a real estate business and I've always loved going to help clean/look at all kinds of houses! So much fun!
    Hope you start feeling better soon! We just got over the flu over here. Feeling bad is NOT at all nice. Hope to see you soon!

  2. Hi Allison!

    Thank you! Happy 2013 to you too!

    Sharpsburg! :) In between Newnan and Peachtree City. :D A great spot! I'm so excited about it!!! I can't wait until we find our new house. :D

    I didn't know your grandpa had a real estate business. How fun!

    Aw, thank you, I hope so too. I can't stand being sick. :P


  3. Wow! So your're moving? 'Bout three years ago, my family, a family of 11, made the decision to move; And you know how hard finding a home is; well, even more so when you're trying to find a home that fits eleven people comfortably, yet priced reasonably and affordable. We finally found a home out in the country! It was awesome. On acreage, and surrounded by fields and farms (yet not so far away from town that you had to drive miles to get to the grocery store; in fact it's just five minuets down the road ;) Anyway...;) God was great and we've been living here for 3 years now.
    Sorry for jabbering!:) But you posting 'bout looking for houses, and, Realtors and all that totally reminded me of the hard yet wonderful move that took place for my family. The whole process was a blessing for and I'm sure it will be for you too. I'll pray that God will show you the place to move as he did so graciously for us aswell!

  4. Hi Cosette! (Lovely name!)

    Thank you for taking the time to comment, it made my day! :D

    Wow, finding a home for a family of 11 would DEFINITELY be a challenge! But God knows all our needs and he is ABLE to provide for them. That's so wonderful that your move worked out so well for your family.

    Thank you for those prayers! And for your encouragement - it was exactly what I needed to hear this morning! :)



Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~