
Monday, March 25, 2013

Well, Time Slips By...

Hi friends! I have been meaning to post for a good while now and it hasn't happened until now. :D

First, to address the elephant in the room so I can think about something else - my mom and I are planning a huge, amazing, special project that I can't tell you about yet because it's not ready. "Mmmmph!"- that is me biting my tongue. :D I can't wait to share it!! So stay tuned. :)

Spring is on its way, although the temperatures have been chilly the past week....

I spied this lone azalea blossom on my walk down the driveway.  Soon it will be joined by many others as the bushes burst into bloom!

I made a bouquet of sorts from wild violets and pretty purplish weeds. :D 
It is so exciting to see bunches of these bright little flowers popping up here and there in the woods!  Oh spring,  I love you, please come faster! :D
 So, the other day, I got all productive in the kitchen and made two special yummy things...

Creamy ham and potato soup (sans ham) for lunch. YUMMMMM. My fave. It's better with ham but will do without it if it's just for lunch.
Q: What do you do when you don't have enough bananas for a loaf of bread?
A: Add blueberries. :D
Behold, the Blueberry-Banana-Bread! It was delicious. Recipe to follow shortly. :)
I tried a Pinterest technique on my nails this week - I punched a flower shape out in some blue painter's tape (masking tape will work too), painted my nails peach, and stuck the punched tape on top and painted white over it... making cute little flowers on my nails!

Sadly, this is the only photo I have of both hands. And it's too orangey. But you get the idea. They were very cute. :D

Oh, and just now having realized I never shared pics of the bonfire we went to after Ultimate Frisbee, I made a quick collage. :)
Smores. Hiding behind chairs to roast the marshmallows because some of us *cough* were too impatient to wait for the fire to burn down lower. Fun friends. Plenty of food and soda. Using a small sapling as the perfect roasting stick.
Good times. :D

1 comment:

  1. If our crazy GA weather ever decides to stay consistent, I'd be most happy. Easter is around the corner-bring on Spring!!

    The Banana-Blueberry Bread looks yummy! Must try it sometime; we have some frozen bananas in the freezer right now, come to think of it.

    Your nails are cute! I don't have Pintrest(I'd spend WAY too much time on there!), but there are times I wished I did.


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~ Julia ~