
Monday, May 20, 2013

Back From GHEA 2013!

Hey readers!

I am flat on my back, typing this from my iPhone... Not because I am still exhausted (my energy is back, hurray!) but because my shoulder/neck/back is having a 'tude after my adventures of sleeping on a hotel rollaway bed for a couple of nights, and then being wrenched this morning when I sneezed after taking a bite of peppery scrambled eggs. LOL! Good thing I got the laundry started before I cooked breakfast!

I am so grateful and thankful that the trip went smoothly and for the blessing of a good profit made by both booths!

Mama in the car on the way there, perky and wearing blingy sunglasses!! ;)

Steven was crammed in next to the cooler... we managed to get everything inside our dodge caravan,  which was a small miracle in itself!! 

My booth! :D My usual bright pink tablecloths were missing, nowhere to be found, so we improvised... the tablecloth at the back is actually my bedspread, and the one on the right is the leftover fabric from sewing my curtains! And look how well it goes with my rug! :D

Steven, setting up his booth... he had a partial wall next to him this year that allowed him to hang a few more of his epic book covers and weaponry, which looked really great. :D

Some of my pretties... that 3-strand gold necklace sold, as did most of those little rosebud earrings on cards. The blue necklace on the hook next to that white bust was traded as part of a bartering transaction with a bookseller, allowing me to pick up five old books in exchange for jewelry to bring home to the bookseller's wife! A win-win! I also traded a headband and a few pairs of earrings for half the price of some sweet wireless headphones to the nice guy running the t-shirt and toys booth across the aisle. :D

Looking good... :D I brought a nicely-sized mirror, which was a huge benefit, as many people tried on the headbands or held up earrings next to their faces - and then bought them! :) See all those floral headbands? I think I've got six left now.   YAY!

I sold most of the jewelry in the flat display boxes, including a long rainbowy-colored necklace to one of the really nice  "H" sisters who visit me every year! :) It was so fun to see them again! :) I also sent off some pre-ordered jewelry via her parents to Katelyn, who reads my blog and comments faithfully! :D I loved meeting the friendly homeschoolers at the convention this year, and we made some great new friends. :D

On the way out of the convention hall on Thursday evening, we stopped to get this photo of Steven with the dino head at the Creation Ministries booth! We emailed it home so Mark and Daddy could see it that night. 

And since the mall was so close by, we had to pop over for a visit at the LEGO store! 

It was an amazing sight to see more legos than Mark and Steven own, because that's saying something!! They have a HUGE collection already, but we took advantage of the pick-a-brick wall to get some of the pieces necessary for building castles and landscapes. Mama and I face-timed with Mark on Mama's iPhone so that he could tell us which pieces to get for him, while Steven shopped away. :)
We grabbed a quick bite to eat at Chick-Fil-A and settled into our hotel room. The next day, it was SELL-SELL-SELL! :D

So. Proud. Of. Him. :D Steven sold most of his weapons on Friday and hardly had any left on Saturday! He also ran out of Knight Book CD's! :D

I wore my Popsicle Kisses silk hair flower for the first day of selling... I love it! It went perfectly with my 'peacock' skirt. ;)

(there's the skirt!) The nice lady helping with the t-shirt booth noticed Mama and I taking photos of our booth and asked if we'd like a picture together. :D 
 Friday was the busiest day of sales, Saturday turning out to be slower, which isn't the norm. I heard talk of Six Flags having "homeschool day", which might have interfered with the traffic of people a little bit. But it was a great weekend nonetheless!

I have found a new favorite item on the Chick-Fil-A menu. The Cobb Salad. YUM. 

I didn't take ANY pictures at the convention hall on Saturday, but we had such fun and got the booths packed up in record time at the end of the day (especially considering it was just me and Steven - with mom directing - instead of our whole family)

And, Saturday evening, home at last... zzzzZZZZZ


  1. Hey Julia!
    I LOVE the rainbow necklace! It's the best! I enjoyed seeing you at the convention! God bless you!

  2. Very fun! I always love going to conventions with my brother and meeting new people! We've done our own share of traveling with our book business. It's always a blast! :-D Looks like you have a lot of fun too! :-) Your jewelry is amazing. I'm always impressed with what you come up with!

  3. Hi Holly! So thrilled that you like the rainbow necklace! :) It looked perfect on you! :)

    Hi Melinda! Yes, we had a blast! I didn't know you'd had a book business! Cool! :) Aww, thank you. I put a lot of work into my jewelry and it's really nice to hear that people like it. :)


  4. Sooooo, it looks lovely! (and you too. Always lovely. I love the peacock skirt) :) So glad it went well for you!

  5. So glad you had a great time-hope the neck/shoulders/back are feeling better.

    Thanks once again for the earrings and bracelet. I'm wearing one pair right now and can't wait to wear the bracelet with more outfits!! Hopefully, I will be able to come next year and meet you in person!!


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~