
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Why You Must Read The Mitford series by Jan Karon

I know this isn't the newest edition but it's what MY copy looks like... :)

The Mitford series is, hands-down, one of the best series of stories I've ever read throughout my entire life. I can't fully describe how much I love them! The books have been part of my life for so long that I can hardly remember what it was like not to have read them.

In fact, I've thought about reviewing them before and then shied away, afraid of not doing them justice! (silly, right?) :) This will be a short review, for more information, try looking the books up on :)

The small town of Mitford and its (HUGE) cast of lovable, realistic characters completely immerses you and you fall in love with every single bit of it as you step from book to book like stones across a stream. The setting is pastoral and peaceful, but delightful humor pops out at you from around every corner and there's plenty of drama among the townsfolk. The books definitely fit in the 'cosy fiction' genre but they always kept me turning pages.

I hunted around on Pinterest until I found faces for some of my favorite characters... (because that's a thing I do) ;)

Father Tim - a beautiful old-soul, wise and gentle, with a wry sense of humor and a love for wordsworth poetry. I wish I could meet him in person!
This is actually an early picture of Jan Karon, the author, herself, but this is always how I have pictured Cynthia Coppersmith, a whimsical and vivacious next-door-neighbor to Father Tim.

Dooley Barlowe is a boy with a difficult past (also he's got red hair, just use your imagination) and from the first page he enters he instantly tugs at your heartstrings. :)
Lace Turner has also had a hard life, poor thing, but a more determined, intelligent girl you'll never meet - think Anne Shirley with much rougher edges.

Have you read the Mitford series? (I cannot WAIT for the next one coming out in September!!) If not, you should. Right away. Really. :)

Don't forget to check out Victoria's Companion Post with her perspective! :)



  1. Oh my goodness, I am NOT the only one who pictured younger-Jan-Karon as Cynthia! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! I feel so validated now, haha. LOVE this series so much. :D

    1. You mean I'M not the only one?!?! *SQUEEE* in return! :D Oh me too! Hence the post. :D

  2. I've read the first book! It was very good. It's a mystery, as I recall, and you're right, it kept me interested the whole time. Wasn't there a dog that only calmed down when you quoted Scripture? :)

    1. There are elements of mystery, yes! Read the rest, dear Abby! You'll love them! And you are right. In the first book, we become acquainted with a dog named Barnabas that obeyed when commanded with Scripture verses! ;)

  3. Oh my goodness! This looks like such a cute series! I love the Anne of Green Gables series - and this reminds me of it - so I know I'll enjoy it. I hope our library has it... :D

    1. GASP. You must read them! Your library should, they're best-sellers. :) They are just as good if not better than the whole Anne of Green Gables series. :)

  4. I LOVE the Mitford books, and they are hands down some of the best books I've ever read, too, Julia!
    I like your picture of Dooley; it seems to fit him! :) I love him best in the first book; he gives me way too many good laughs!

    ~the other Julia Lauren ;)

    1. I completely agree! Aw, thanks! Yes - Dooley is just precious.

      We have way too much in common besides our name - we need to meet in person one day!! Wouldn't that be fun?


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~ Julia ~