
Friday, June 6, 2008


The blackberries have arrived! They are delicious this year. Last year they were not as juicy or sweet, due I think to less rain last spring than we had this spring.
Here they are on the can see there are some not yet ripe.
I spent some time picking them this morning, which was a good idea because now, in the afternoon, it is very hot outside. What I noticed on our bushes was that there were some that were still red, and even some still pale green. They will eventually ripen into a delicious juicy black, and then will be picked and eaten fresh or made into jam.

We have several patches of blackberries scattered all over our hill. It's a difficult task to pick them because blackberry plants have very sharp thorns which snag clothing and skin. Ouch! Sometimes I wonder why they must grow those painful thorns.


  1. Wow! I like your Austen heroin did you get that on there? I want to do it too!


  2. After you take the quiz, you can copy and paste a code they give you to your blog to put a button on of who you were and a link to go to the quiz. I had a hard time figuring out WHERE to paste the code and I finally found out that you go to Edit and click "add page element" and click on HTML/javascript and you paste the code in there. Hope this helps!

  3. Hi, Julia!

    RYC: Yes, the cat is mine. I got her the day we moved from a sweet friend in IL. She was just a kitten then and now she's grown so big! Sigh... Her name is Talbot and she is the sweetest cat ever. If you all came to our house sometime you'd be able to meet her.

    I love the pictures of the blackberries--beautiful.

    I took the Austen heroine quiz and it said I was Marianne Dashwood. Oh dear... I might have to adjust my answers--she's not particularly my favorite character. ;o)


  4. Hi! I love blackberies! They are sooo yummy! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I think your blog is so pretty!Have a great day!

  5. yum yum yum yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those look sooooooooo deliciously good!

    Thanks for the comment......:)

    love always,

  6. Hi again! Guess what? I live in GA too!

  7. Those look delicious, Julia! I love your blog!



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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~