
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

An Interview With My Brothers

I decided to interview my two brothers so that my blog friends could get to know them a bit, since they don't have blogs of their own yet. In the above picture, Mark is on the left and Steven is on the right. (This picture was taken when it was lightly snowing last March)

Mark is 14 years old and Steven is 12. Since Mark is older I thought I'd start with him.

Me- "Mark, what is your favorite hobby?"
Mark- "Building with Legos."

Me- "Branching off that, what is your favorite Lego theme?"
Mark- "Oh, definitely Knights & Castle."

(Note: Mark has a fantastic lego fortress he's built for his Robin Hood/Forester guys - I'll have to take a picture of it so ya'll can see it)

Me- "So what is your favorite snack?"
Mark "Swiss rolls - Little Debbie swiss rolls."

Me- "And what is your least favorite food?"
Mark- "CHILI!" -with wide, horrified eyes. (I love chili!)

Me- "Who is your favorite singer?"
Mark- "Steve Fee - because I like his music."

Me- "What do you do when you're bored?
Mark- "Draw Pictures." (Mark is an amazing artist - he loves drawing lego scenes)

3 Things Mark Dislikes:

1. Lawn Gnomes
2. Splenda
3. People who say global warming is true.

3 Things Mark Really Likes:

1. Getting a new lego set
2. Swimming in the river
3. And when it rains.

Mark's Favorite Book = The Twin in the Tavern
Mark's Favorite Movie = National Treasure 1
Mark's Dream Career = Lego designer
Mark's Life Goal = To finish his Lego Indiana Jones Movie.

Mark is into Stop/Motion animation, he takes pictures of legos step-by-step and seams the photos together to make a movie. It's really cool!

Now for Steven ~

Me-"Steven, what is your favorite hobby?"
Steven- "Building Legos!"

Me-"And what is your favorite Lego theme?"
Steven- "Castle and Dwarves."

Me-"What is your favorite snack?"
Steven- "Cheese Popcorn!"

(Note: Steven is always eating popcorn in the evenings. He makes it himself in the microwave with a special popcorn kettle. The smell drives me crazy because I love popcorn and I can't eat it until I get my braces off, hopefully soon!)

Me- "And your least favorite food?"
Steven- "That weird stuff you make with cheese and potatoes-"
Me-"You mean my specialty potato salad?"
Steven- "Yeah!"- with wrinkled nose.

I will be posting the recipe for my specialty potato salad next time I make some and take a picture of it!

Me-"Who is your favorite singer?"
Steven- "Either Steven Curtis Chapman or Steve Fee."

Me-"What do you do when you're bored?"
Steven-"I crack my Indiana Jones whip."

3 Things Steven Dislikes:

2.String Bikinis. (Ugh, me too!)
3.When the temperature gets over 90 degrees.

3 Things Steven Really Likes:

1.French Fries
3.Hot chocolate on a cold morning.

Steven's Favorite Book = The Ultimate Lego Book
Steven's Favorite Movie = Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark
Steven's Dream Career = A Gourmet Chef
Steven's Life Goal = To watch a Georgia Bulldogs game from the stadium.

Well, now you know a little about my brothers! Let me know if you have brothers that like the same things that mine do.



  1. Hello! :) My name is Liz and I am 14. I found you by Laney's blog through one of your comments.

    I Really like your blog!! :) It is very pretty and I really like your posts too! :) I liked the one about your Blackberries! They look so delicious! Yum! :) I also loved the review you did for the book "Before you meet Prince Charming". I haven't read the book before, but now I really want to look into it and get it! :)

    I also think it is SO cool that you like photography, I do too! :) I love all of your flowers pictures on your blog they are beautiful! :)

    Also, please stop by my blog sometime. The blog that I am leaving my comment with is my American Girl doll blog, because I enjoy them. My main blog is on Homeschoolblogger which is really my 'real' blog. I would love to be friends! :)

    I hope you have a Wonderful and Blessed Week! :)


  2. Hey Julia! What a cool idea...interviewing your brothers! Mind if I copy you sometime?
    My brother likes legos too...he says he wants to work at LegoLand in CA when he grows up (my mom DOES NOT like that idea very much! :-)

  3. Sounds like your brothers are Lego nuts :).
    Interesting interview. I love the questions (and the answers).
    Madison from Madison's Musings

  4. LOL - I love it, Julia! :o) Thanks for sharing that.


  5. One of my little brothers is super into lego stop motion as well! I find it fascinating, especially seeing as I would never have the patience to do it myself! :)

    You should do an updated interview with your brothers, see if their answers have changed. Haha. :)


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~