
Monday, August 25, 2008

The Common Joys of Life...

You are looking at drops of water on a lettuce leaf that was picked from our garden this spring. (Not a new picture) I loved the way the drops caught the light coming through the kitchen window, so I paused in the middle of washing the lettuce and ran to get my camera and hurriedly took a few pictures, then put the camera away and went back to washing lettuce.

How often do we stop and look at the little things?

I get so caught up in my life and the big things in it...Did I clean my room today? Did I get all my schoolwork done? Are the dishes and laundry done? Yes....usually. :) But perhaps we should take more time to live life...really live it, not just exsist in it.

Have you ever watched a ladybug travel across a leaf? How often do you take a moment to look out the window and enjoy the view? Have you ever walked barefoot in the grass with the morning dew still fresh upon it?

God has given us a wonderful world to live in...he created the stars in the heavens, the fish in the sea, the birds of the air, the beautiful flowers growing on the land...and this is meaningless if we don't stop and enjoy it.

I will write a newsy little post tomorrow, adding it on to the bottom of this one would destroy the ambience!

I'll leave you with one last thought....

"Take time to smell the roses."


  1. Thank you SO much for the reminder Julia! And how true. Actually, before I saw your comment on 'stop to smell the roses' I was going to put that on my comment. But you beat me to it. :P
    Thanks for a great reminder! This was such a neat post! :-D


    P.S. I'll try to reply to your comment on my blog tomorrow. I can't remember the program I used... but I'll try to get back with you.

  2. You are totally right! Sometimes we rush through life and we forget to rememeber the little blessings in our days. :) That was a really pretty picture of the lettuce! Thanks for sharing!


  3. I SO agree with you! I love just taking walks in the woods and looking, not at anything much in particular, just enjoying a God's creation.

    Have a Beautiful day!

  4. Aw, thanks for the sweet comments, Madison, Laney, and Lydia! :) I appreciate them! :)

    Don't fret about the software, Madison, I was just hurry! :)


  5. Hi Julia,
    I just found your comment on my blog Least in the Kingdom. I really like your site! It is always encouraging to find other young ladies with the same goals and love for the Lord! (I also found and replied to your comment on my Narnia blog!)
    I will be back to read your posts in the future! Do you mind if I put a link to you from my blog?

    In Christ,
    Lauren Ashley

  6. Hey Lauren,

    I'd be honored! You're welcome to put a link to me from your blog. I love meeting friends through blogs as well!! Blogging has helped me realize that I'm not the only young lady out there who cares about modesty and homemaking and loving the Lord with all my heart!
    I'm blessed to have met all of these wonderful young ladies!! :)


  7. That is an excellent reminder! Thanks for sharing it!

  8. That's so so true. Too often do I miss all the wonderful things around me 'cause I'm too caught up in my busyness or trying to keep on schedule. Just this today I'm so glad I paused during my morning walk to take some pictures of a BEAUTIFUL spiderweb! (I love taking pictures too!)

    Thanks for commenting on my Alabaster Hearts interview Julia! It does look like we have a lot in common. For instance I noticed that you took the personality test for Jane Austin heroines - I'm Elizabeth Bennett too! I even played her part in a Pride and Prejudice play we did with our friends. :-)

    God bless!


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~