
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Blog Finagle-ing and Movie Madness

Hi Readers!
Well, the first thing you might have noticed is the new background. I'm still messing with it but I think I like this one better than some of my other attempts. :P
I really like these header pictures I made...

...But I couldn't find backgrounds that matched!! *sigh* It looks like I'll just have to learn how to design backgrounds. How I'll do that, I have no idea. :) Anyone got any tips??
And for the second part of my post, My family and I watched two new movies yesterday and enjoyed both. The first one was "Horton Hears A Who", which was really cute and crazy, and I loved seeing a favorite story come to life. The second was "Wall-e", which was so cool and also very bizarre...but enjoyable. :D That sounded funny. :) Anyway, I give both movies a thumbs-up.

To quote my younger brother, "Today was the Best Day of 2009!"...yet! :D
Hope you're having a great 2009 so far...
Currently I am... slightly aggravated, about messing around with blog backgrounds that didn't work... but really I feel Okay. :)


  1. I try to make good headers but none of mine turn out as good as yours. I have no idea kow to make blogger backgrounds. Sorry!

    Lauren Ann

  2. Hello Julia!
    I like the background, and I really like the header too! It goes really well with the background. :)


  3. Yeah, finding a template to match is difficult. I had the issue of gettig a header color to match!

  4. Those are both beautiful headers! I especially love the first one:) The background is SO cute, too! I almost picked that one! :D
    It is really neat seeing a story come to life! We watched Horton Hears Who a few months ago, and it was really cool seeing what other people interpreted it as! :) I haven't seen Wall-e, yet, but my brother says it is one of his favorites:)
    Thanks for sharing!

    In HIS name,

  5. Hey Julia! I looooove!!! the new background and header! It looks great! I also liked the tropical flower one as well. We haven't seen "Horton Hears a Who" yet but I absolutely loved Wall-e! It was so cute! Thanks for the tips by the way! =:)


  6. both movies are amazing. Hey, Julia, if you need something to go with a scheme just give me the dimensions and I can make you a header in fireworks and send it to you :)

  7. oh hey, you could also play with the css.....or I could if you really wanted me to, it's not hard once you get used to it, fixing blogger is how I started out. :)

  8. Hello Julia! Your header looks really good. Have you tried looking for backgrounds at " That is where I got mine from. They have sooooooooooooooo......many to choose from, I didn't even look at all of them there are so many!LOL. Well, good luck on finding what you like.

  9. Hey Julia!
    Yeah, isn't great? I know my blog isn't looking so great right now, but I hardly ever have time to actually create the headers! Lol, isn't it funny how that works?! Anyway, I love yours!
    : )


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~