
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lovely Weather We're Having

Today was delightfully sunny! Yesterday was quite gloomy, what with all the fog and chill in the air. I liked today's weather better! My family and I went down to the local state park and relaxed by the river. My brothers and I threw our frisbee around for a while. My parents and I had a great time sitting in folding chairs watching the river flow by, feeling the soft breeze in our hair and the warm sun on our faces. I think it was about 70 degrees! (farenheit)

Not bad for January! :D


My mom did a post about our day as well, with pictures! See Here if interested. :)

Currently I'm : quite Chipper!


  1. wow! that really warm!

  2. Sounds lovely Julia! I wish I could have joined you. :)
    By the way, thanks for the comment on my blog! I'll reply to it once I get a few more comments. I hate to reply once every two comments. It makes it that I'm replying more than people are commenting. ;-)
    Fun post!


  3. Oooo! So jealous! (just kidding) =;) It was kind of cold today (I wore a jacket, gloves, and a hat) but we decided to take a walk at our favorite place, Winterthur. It wasn't too sunny, there were a lot of clouds and it was supposed to rain but never did. I'm glad you all could enjoy your time in the sun! Can't wait till spring! My favorite time of year (although it's a tie with fall).


  4. Oh, I envy you! :) Today for us was quite cold! I like the the Jane Austen "Currently I am..." pictures at the end of your posts. How do you do that?

    Have a great week!

    Katherine Cole from Pure in Heart

  5. I know exactly how you feel! :) I live down in the south, too! The weather has been around 60 or 70 degrees! It is defenitely lovely weather, but I still think that snow would be so neat! I haven't seen snow in FOREVER! Thanks for sharing!


  6. Wow, sounds really nice. Ya'll have a river by your house? Must be nice! I love frisbee! Have you ever played Ultimate?


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~