
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sneak Peek...

In a few days, I will be going up to Atlanta to sell my jewelry at the GHEA convention! I'll only be there on Saturday, but if you're going to be there, be sure to come by and say hi! :)

Here's a sneak peek if you're curious...
This is only some of the jewelry I'll have on display there... I currently have a new line with large pendants in the center of the necklaces with stylish, sort of 'chunky' accent beads... unfortunately I don't have pics of it yet, but I'll make sure I photograph it before I sell it! :)
If some of you would like to pray for the tip of my left thumb, I would be SO grateful. :P I have to use a small point of that finger to hold the earrings when I turn over the wire loop, and since I've been making lots and lots (and lots) of earrings, it has become rather sore. :(

However, I am all a-thrill about selling my jewelry live and in person again! It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to do that.

Have a very wonderful and blessed day!



  2. Thinking and praying for you Julia! Hope that you have a blessed time selling your goods:)


  3. HEY! i think we're going to the same convention!! :0 I'll look for you!

  4. Wow! All of your jewelery looks beautiful! I will be praying for you! Good luck on selling your jewelery! I would definitely buy some of it if I were going!

    Oh, and thanks for commenting on my blog! :)


  5. Miss Julia--
    Thanks for sharing the photos of your lovely jewelry!
    You must have worked very hard on the jewelry! God has certainly blessed you with the gift of jewelry-making!! Blessings!

  6. I was wondering which "blogger" folks I would wind up seeing at the conference! I will be there and will be sure to find you! Will you be in the main exhibit hall? Your jewelry looks absolutely beautiful. I'm sure all your hard work and sore thumb will pay off in the long run. I know I want me a pair of those earrings!

  7. I'll be praying for you Julia! Being hurt isn't any fun!

    Wow! I wish I lived nearby- I would come to the sale. I love handmade jewelry! : )

    Hugs and prayers!
    Your SSA

  8. Hey Julia! That is so exciting! I will pray for your thumb (ouch!) and for great success with your jewelry booth! I hope you come home without any or your jewelry and lot's of money! =;) Have fun! I love those big convention's! I have gone to our DHEA a couple of times before and It is always so much fun to look at everything! =:D

    Blessings, Safe Travels, and Happy Selling! =:)

    Love and Hugs!

    p.s. - when are you going?

  9. Oh, I like your new background! Getting bored of the other one huh? =;)


  10. Hello sweet Julia!

    Thank you so much for helping me yet again!
    Miss Hannah Paige

  11. Wow, that's neat! I hope you have fun and a bunch of people buy your jewelry! I make beaded jewelry, too. I started a couple of years ago, and totally love it. It's so much fun ;)

  12. Hey, those look great! I will be praying for you Julia! I hope you have a wonderful trip! I love your new blog background. The strawberry theme is so cute!

    In Christ,

  13. I haven't found an avenue where I can sell my jewelry yet. Maybe we should start a blog for jewelers/beaders, and whenever you finish a project you post a picture? Then we can share our ideas with each other. How about it?

  14. I will be praying for you. My brother starts selling his woodworking products on Saturdays again as well.

  15. Hello Julia!
    Oooh, that sounds exciting! =) The jewelry looks beautiful!
    I'll be praying for you!


  16. Hey, kinda new to commenting on your blog, but that's amazing! Love the jewelry. :)

    God bless,

  17. Wow... :D Imagine my surprise when I signed on to my blogger dashboard and found no less than 17 comments waiting to be moderated!! :) Thanks for all the encouragement! :)

    (I'll be in the vendor hall, in a corner booth, with a banner on the wall that says "Jewels By Julia")


  18. Hey Sweet Julia!

    Thank you so much for you help! You are a great blogger friend!=)

    Now, I have yet another question! How did you add the little hearts on the top comment text thing?

    YES! You are welcome to use the photo where I have the list of books.

    I hope you seel lots of your jewelery!
    Miss Hannah Paige

  19. we ARE going to the same convention!
    I'll look you up :)


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~