
Saturday, May 2, 2009

God is SO good and I am delighted! (Back from GHEA convention)

Hello friends!
Thank you so much for all your encouraging comments on my previous post! I am so thankful for the Lord's blessing on my jewelry sales today... I was so thrilled with how much of my jewelry sold! Praise God! I estimate that I sold about three/fifths of my jewelry, which was more than I expected! Yay!
I met some very sweet fellow bloggers, and actually at one point I had three different sets of people in my booth who had all previously seen my blog! :D

I met Madison from Madison's Musings, (which was delightful!!) Jess from Dixie farm girl, (She was so nice!) Saw Mckenzie's parents again, (They were very friendly) socialized pleasantly with Earwen for the second time, saw my good friends Joanna and Allison, and met a dear girl who found me through Aspiring Homemaker! It was a downright blogfest! :D
Here are my lovely mother and I in front of half of our booth... the Mai Thai coffee half! Mama was manning that side of the booth while I was busily selling my jewelry on the other half.
(BTW, that shadow behind my back is my hair - it's so long I can sit on it)
While you have a moment, quickly bop over to Mai Thai to learn more about this amazing product! (We've supported this ministry for seven years and we love them!)
And here's my jewelry. :) My creations.
And me, at my post.... in front of our 'buy three, get one free' banner...
And me again... here you can see more of the booth...
I had such a wonderful day - but now I'm ready to curl up in a cozy dark corner and just rest for a while. :)


  1. Hi Julia!

    I'm glad that you sold a lot of jewelry at your convention! Your jewelry is so pretty! I noticed that your booth was next to the Character First booth. My dad's boss at work wrote Character First!

    Have a great day!

    Katherine Cole

  2. Hi Julia!

    Thanks so much for the help!♥

    Glad you sold lots of your jewelry! I wish I could have met you in person!!

    Thanks for you comment on my post! It was very encouraging.♥

    ~Hannah Paige

  3. That is brother's event was outside....and he got rained on so it was canceled

  4. Hi Julia,
    I found your blog a few days ago, and I love it! I hope you don't mind if I follow. :) Congratulations on selling so much jewelry. It all looks beautiful; I wish I could have been there to buy some. :) Well, I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


  5. Hi Julia!
    I'm glad that everything went well at the conference, and how fun that you got to see all of those bloggers:)


  6. Hi everyone!

    Katherine- That's neat! I didn't know your dad worked for the gentleman who wrote that! :)

    Hannah- You're welcome, sweetheart! :D

    Ella - Oh, I'm sorry Garret got rained out! That's too bad.

    Lindsay - I'd be delighted if you followed my blog! Thanks! :)

    Jenna - Yes, it was so nice seeing some of those girls in person for the first time! :)


  7. Hello Julia! =)
    It was *so* good getting to meet you! I have been looking forward to it ever since I found out you were going!
    Congrats on selling so much jewelry! Although, I'm not surprised. It was all so pretty! I wanted to buy everything you had! And by the way, I'm absolutely loving the bracelet I bought. =) And I'm going to put it on my blog post, like I promised! lol
    Anyway, hopefully we'll be able to meet again sometime. =)
    God bless!


  8. It was SO fun seeing you!!
    And I LOVE the earrings I bought, they're gorgeous!!!!

  9. Hi Julia,

    I love my earrings! :>) I wore the pink pair this morning. My mom enjoyed getting to meet your mom. I was glad they were friendly! Ha Ha, just kidding! :>) You have quite the little set up. Looks very professional! I am glad you posted pictures because I was disappointed that I didn't get to see it. I am glad you did so well.

    Now that our moms met maybe we can actually get together! :>)

    ~McKenzie Elizabeth~

  10. Julia! Your booth looks so sweet and pretty! It looks like a princess' dream!

    I'm glad you got to meet so many friends. I know its always a blessing to discover those like-minded sisters in the Lord.


  11. Hi Julia! =:d I am FINALLY able to get on and comment on this post. Lol! I read it but I was too busy to write in until now! =;) That is so wonderful that you were able to sell so much of your jewelry! How exciting! And then get to meet all of those blogging friends too! Neat! Too bad we live so far away!=:( Oh, well, maybe some day right! =;) BTW, I love your outfit, you look so sweet and pretty! =:) (and I noticed you just HAD to have pink for your table cloth) =;)

    Blessings and Hugs!

  12. Hi Julia!

    Sounds like you had a lovely time at the convention! Your jewelry is so very pretty!
    Have a cheerful and joyful day!

    Joyfully in Jesus,

  13. Wow girl you had SO much jewelry! How long did it take you to make it all?? its so pretty. ;)


Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day. :)

Please remember to keep your thoughts and remarks kind and pleasing in the sight of our Lord.

I would encourage you to sign your name to your comments... otherwise it might not be published.

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to leave me your email address - it will not be published - and I will try to answer or help as best as I can. :)

Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~