
Friday, July 24, 2009

A Newsy Little Post #4

I have a cough at the moment and a general feeling of listlessness which is why I've been resting a lot and not on the computer as much... okay, I admit it, I've also been not as frequent in posting as I would like. I could have been posting on my blog but I chose not to. :(

Now since I dislike reading other bloggers bemoaning their lack of posting, I shall stop right there and try and make this a cheerful and uplifting post! :)
So, more pictures from our trip...
How about some Ice Cream? :D
My Aunt took us out for ice cream one evening and we all made our own sundaes! They had us choose a flavor, then gave us our ice cream in a dish and allowed us to top it ourselves with whatever we wanted! I put caramel sauce, strawberry syrup, whipped cream, and marshmallow topping on mine. Yum. *dreamy smile*
Speaking of Yum, uh..... I put on a few pounds on our vacation. I'd been kind of gaining ever since my graduation party (where we had an incredible amount of delicious leftovers...) And on our vacation there was a lot of tasty food to eat... so when we got back from New York I purposed to really start eating in a more temperate, healthy way again. I've been doing better... this morning I weighed 157.0 ... now don't gasp, I'm very tall, but a better weight for me is 146, which is what I want to get back down to. :) Pray that I keep on going! :) So... after that long rabbit trail...
Once we got to the Museum there was this HUGE chair outside and I just had to make everybody pose for a picture. My dad took this one. (obviously, since I'm smack dab in the middle in that aqua hoodie)
It was really cold -like in the 60's- the day we were there (defying the fact that it was JULY!) and a tiny bit drizzly too... so all of us were glad for our warm sweaters and hoodies. ;)
Here is everyone in front of one of the many amazing boats that were at the museum... Grandma doesn't usually use a wheelchair but her leg was bothering her that day so we borrowed one from the gift shop. :) Daddy and I took turns pushing her around.
Here's the view from the restaurant... we ended up stopping for warm drinks and I shared a small bowl of some amazingly good chili with Mama. (don't have a picture of that for some reason)
I probably took more pictures of the landscaping outside the museum buildings than the exhibits inside! :D But don't you just love this flower? I think the center looks just like a chocolate drop.
God Bless you all and I hope you have a delightful day!


  1. Hi Julia!
    Looks like it was fun! (I posted a bit about Boston too...)
    That middle part of the flower does look like a chocolate drop!:)
    Look forward to more pics!

  2. I know you will be feeling better soon. You are a sweet daughter and I am praying for you!!

  3. Great pics, Julia! The ice cream looks SO yummy, that chair is huge, and the landscaping is beautiful! Thanks for the newsy post. :)

    ~ Love in Christ,

  4. Ah, yes, that's the problem with have to much delicious food to eat and try! =;) Lol! But that ice cream looks so yummy! *smacks lips* My grandmother doesn't use a wheelchair normally either, but when we have to do a lot of walking, we usually get one for her if the place we are going to has one...she has had a knee surgery and she is 80 something. =:)

    Ha Ha! Well, I like landscape pictures too! =:) Your right, the center does look like a chocolate drop! Yum!

    I am glad you were all safe and had a good time together and with you relatives! =:D

    Thanks for sharing the photos!
    Love and Hugs!

  5. Hello Julia! :) I haven't really been posting either... I'm planning on doing a post like yours today. :P Kind of a "what-I've-been-up-to" post. ;-)
    Loverly pictures! I love the one of the flower! It does look like a chocolate drop! :D lol Makes you want to eat it. :)
    Have a great day!

    Love and hugs,
    ~Madison :)

  6. Oh poor girl. I hope you get well soon. Coughs can be awful!

    Oh yummy.... I want some right now! The photos are always fun to see!

  7. Mmm that ice cream looks delicious!


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Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~