
Monday, July 20, 2009

Feeling Better... and Pictures!

Firstly, thank you so much to everyone who prayed for me! I am feeling so much better! The pain in my neck is 99.9% gone... I will be resting a lot today so hopefully the remaining 0.1% will get better. Thanks, dear friends!! I really appreciate it.

Now for some pictures for all of you who have been sooo patient! :D
After I last posted those pictures of our trip, we went hiking...

Us at the trail head
(L to R) Daddy, Steven, and Mark on a BIG rock...

Me on another big rock

In this picture Daddy is showing us where a spring started... the springs running down the trail made it extremely muddy! Most of the time we were walking on the side of the trail instead of in the middle, just to avoid all the mud!

However, despite the mud, it was a beautiful hike. :)

But the best part was climbing THIS...

9-story-high firetower.

And seeing the incredible view!

Note the amazingly gorgeous clouds above the shimmering lake....
It was SO windy up there... which didn't make the climb up and down any easier for the boys and Daddy. (I discovered that I have absolutely no fear of heights, especially on a nice sturdy firetower.)
It was truly amazing being up so high and seeing so far.
Okay, that's all for now... I will see if I can do a post about the Blue Mountain Lake Museum next time. :)


  1. Wow!
    That looks like it was really fun going all the way up there!
    See you Sunday!

  2. Cool pictures! :) I know what you mean about mud... when we went hiking in Gatlinburg, there was a *ton* of mud on the trails, and we had to move around a lot so we wouldn't step in it. But it got to the point we just got used to the mud, and just walked straight through it. :P
    Gorgeous view!
    Thanks for sharing the pics!


  3. i wish i could have climbed up that tower, looks fun!!

  4. Hi Julia,
    Those are some great pictures! It looks like you guys had fun hiking and climbing. What an incredible view!! I bet it was worth the climb. :) Thanks for sharing these pictures!

    ~ Love,


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Sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to you... but I do try and reply when I get a comment. :D

Love & Blessings!
~ Julia ~